Of course the law's not racist.

I'm not really a food connoisseur.

I was born in India - but never really lived there.

I don't want to tell people what they should think.

Statistically there is enough voter fraud to sway zero elections.

Because to Americans, Chechnya might as well be a suburb of Narnia.

When you're brown and Indian, you get offered a lot of doctor roles.

I know the Gospel according to Mark better than I know any sura in the Quran.

I said we are Ghodratis and there's nothing that Ghodratis like more than a bargain.

If you don't acknowledge differences, it's as bad as stereotyping or reducing someone.

So I had this completely unrealistic idea of what America was — but I wanted to be there.

You can get samosas in any pub in England today, pretty much. So, "Gunga Din" has come back.

It's an organic thing that I try not to analyze too much, because I worry that it will go away.

I'm Muslim the way many of my Jewish friends are Jewish: I avoid pork, and I take the big holidays off.

Being American and being an outsider at the same time, it's a perspective I often bring to a character.

Voter fraud does just barely exist, while racism, according to the Supreme Court, is a thing of the past.

We are Muslims. My father would pawn off his Muslim in-laws as Hindus just so that he could get free pancakes.

For anybody who's ever been on the other end of, like, racial violence logic is not something that can be used.

My family is Muslim. But I don't consider myself a very devout Muslim, but a cultural Muslim, whatever that means.

Paki- bashing was kind of this term that was used in general to beat up anyone that was from the Indian subcontinent.

If you choose to be a Muslim then you believe that it is on some level wrong to show the image of the Prophet Muhammad.

When you're a standup comic, you get up and you try stuff, and you're always kind of seeing how far you can push things.

I rarely went to the mosque, I never fasted, and I only prayed namaaz on the holy nights because my mom bugged me about it.

Now the bigots have to get creative. Good luck coming up with slurs for Chechens. Go back where you came from, Ushanka head.

I think family dynamics are definitely very interesting. And in my case my sister did get married. She gave my parents a grandchild.

In Britain, you never get away from the fact that you're a foreigner. In the U.S., the view is it doesn't matter where you come from.

I go to Buzzfeed and 'Huff Po,' IMDB, 'Deadline.' And then I just Google myself, like 'Aasif Mandvi in a hat,' and see what comes up.

Re-colonizing it and sort of reverse-colonizing it to the point that today the national dish of Great Britain is Chicken Tikka Masala.

I've always said I'm the worst representative of Muslim-Americans that's ever existed, because I've been inside more bars than mosques.

North Carolina precinct chairman and GOP executive committee member Don Yelton thinks his state's new voting restrictions are just fine.

I'm a little bit like a turducken: I'm sort of like an Indian person, wrapped in a British person, wrapped in an American kind of thing.

Indian culture is essentially much more of a we culture. It's a communal culture where you do what's best for the community - you procreate.

What's great about 'The Daily Show' is I can use satire and push the envelope. I couldn't do that anywhere else. Even if I was a journalist.

England has an interesting relationship with the Indian subcontinent because the years of colonization and the history between the two places.

The experience of being on a show that is very much in the center of popular culture is exciting. You really feel like you're reaching people.

I mean, but obviously, in people's eyes, it still - it can still link Islam to terrorism. I mean, why does it make a difference that they're white?

In America, you have this kind of individualism and in the West, essentially, you have this individualism - this idea of my own personal fulfillment.

The artist never really has any control over the impact of his work. If he starts thinking about the impact of his work, then he becomes a lesser artist.

Samantha Bee said to me when I first started on the "Daily Show", she was like no - there is no - the only way you'll learn this job is by doing this job.

I think I discovered my first, you know, my first image of a naked woman was sort of sneaking a peek at one of those magazines that was in my dad's store.

It is ironic that it doesn't matter how successful I am in any other capacity. Ultimately, my parents marker is do you have a wife? And do you have children?

I was a fan of "The Daily Show" I watched it,I never imagined being on it, but I figured I would just go down there and do my best Stephen Colbert impression.

Traditional television as we have known it will make love to the Internet and have a child. That child will be the future. It's already happening, and it's hot!

It is ironic that it doesn't matter how successful I am in any other capacity: ultimately, my parents' marker is 'Do you have a wife?' and 'Do you have children?'

The idea that I had anything to do with speaking about Islam or about the Muslim world was just absurd to my family. ... I hadn't been to the mosque in like 10 years.

I figure if people don't want to make the distinction between a Muslim and a terrorist, then why should I make a distinction between good scared white people and racists?

I thought [when I was 16] my days were just going to be spent hanging out on a beach and my girlfriend was going to be Miss Teen USA and my best friend will be a dolphin.

In order to change the conversation about Muslims in American media, we need a diverse, unified movement of people who are willing to take a stand against anti-Muslim bias.

An artist's job is simply to take the mirror in front of your face and hold it there. It's not to give you any answers. It is simply to take that mirror and point it at you.

When my family decided to leave England I could not have been happier. I was sort of like - America seemed like the land of opportunity and, you know, it was Hollywood to me.

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