I like grown up comedy.

I'm, like, a binge gamer.

I really do know football.

I was always a theatrical kid.

Karaoke is the great equalizer.

Marriage isn't a carnival ride.

Bravery is the engine of change.

I was this weird little bookish giant.

Comedy is ugly. It's honest, it's raw.

I might not agree with myself in a year.

I'm a think gamer with twitch tendencies.

For the record, I'm a clinical workaholic.

TV always wants more people to be watching.

I'm my own boss and my boss is a total ass.

Pop culture hales you and wants you to fail.

I think, like most gamers, I talk a good game.

I can tell you this: Stand-up is not glamorous.

I tell jokes, chat with people, and make stuff.

Wounds turn into scars and scars make you tough.

I'm black, and black don't crack. It does droop.

Pop culture is great, but it can be bad, at times.

I'm such a geek, and have always been a real nerd.

I won't apologize for choosing my career over kids.

I'm sure I had low-level scurvy all of my childhood.

Yes, I do get recognized in public. It's pretty nice.

I don't want to be pandered to, so I try not to pander.

You know, I read graphic novels but not encyclopedically.

Chris Parnell's a genius, so he'd be amazing on 'Who's Line.'

The City gets more and more beautiful every time I come home.

I love New Orleans. I did a movie there right before Katrina.

On general principle, I boycott shows that don't employ actors.

I believe in hard work. I think that everything flows out of that.

You rarely see women being nice to each other on television anymore.

I think I was only attracted to drunken douches before I got married.

I'm just myself, so I don't know that I think of myself as a nerd icon.

Am I going to complain about being typecast as smart? I don't think so.

I married my college boyfriend, so I've been with him since I was a kid.

Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure.

I really love being busy because I am - feel like I am at my best when I am busy.

You can only really learn from failure ... To win, you need to fail, and fail hard.

There's a part of every person that is entertained by the idealistic, the fantastic.

There's a clock ticking on the pregnancy thing, but not a clock ticking on adoption.

My dad, he was a construction worker. He was a butcher. He was a deep sea fisherman.

I'm surrounded by geniuses, which is really not good for my own personal self-esteem!

The best advice anybody could have given me was to keep getting up over and over again.

I grew up on the back of a motorcycle - my dad didn't have a car until I was a teenager.

Marriage is a mystery and part of it is just being kind to each other, not being selfish.

I am absolutely a Giants fan and I'm a Dynasty baby so I was a 49ers fan for a long time.

For a little while, my mom was a school teacher. And I went to the school that she taught.

I've been blessed to have insanely hip parents who think of me as their little Chris Rock.

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