I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals.

I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals.

My wife went off with Elvis.

I'll be mellow when I'm dead.

Velvet Elvis never puts on weight.

I'm very analytical, I'm very precise.

It's hard to force creativity and humor.

You don't need to be defined by your job.

No Joni Mitchell 8 track tapes in my car.

Pop culture's gotten much more disposable.

You fake something until you're good at it.

You got me stranded on the bungee tower of love.

I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art!

There aren't that many superstars around anymore.

Take down those naked pictures of Ernest Borgnine.

Every night for dinner we had a big chunk of dirt.

I can't get too offended when somebody parodies me.

Didn't have Nintendo, we just poured salt on snails.

Probably 90 percent of my albums have polka medleys.

My hobbies just sort of gradually became my vocation.

You can play some schlock like New Kids On the Block.

I don't think there are any new media I'd like to cover.

I've learned how to use my spam filter pretty effectively.

I'm still a geek on the inside, that's the important thing.

A lot of artists have really been supportive over the years.

Midget wrestling on channel 3, it costs me 50 bucks a month.

My brothers and sisters hated me because I was an only child.

A lot of rap songs don't usually have a lot of melody per se.

I have a long-standing history of respecting artists' wishes.

If money can't buy happiness, then I guess I'll have to rent it.

Maybe I'll make a huge color tapestry from my belly button lint.

I don't like to label myself. I know I'm very hard to pigeonhole.

I'm known for being an up, high-energy, and optimistic kind of guy.

Until you came along I never dated anyone this low on the food chain.

I'm very analytical, I'm very precise. I mean, I don't write for kids.

If something is good enough, it can be out there and people will see it.

Right now I'm listening to a lot of Top 40 music, because THAT'S MY JOB.

I don't watch anything on a regular basis - I tend to binge-watch things.

I'm obviously not a rapper, and I don't have any claims to be one, really.

I was abducted by some aliens from space who kind a looked like Jamie Farr.

Beans, beans, the magic legumes - the more you ingest, the more you consume.

A lot of my cartoon voices are basically just variations on my natural voice.

Whenever I do a parody it's not meant to make you hate anybody's music really.

I'm watching the charts every week and hoping something will pop into my head.

You make me wanna staple bagels to my face, then remove them with a pitchfork.

I knew we were having problems when you put those piranhas in my bathtub again.

He put Ben Gay inside my jock strap and filled my tooth paste tube up with glue.

Some people want to advertise their weirdness, and spread it out, that's not me.

As a kid, I certainly never thought I would get to spend my life doing something fun.

Kind of wish I was dead. Maybe, I'll blow my brains out, mama, or maybe I'll go bowling.

People never ask people doing serious music, 'Do you ever think about doing funny music?'

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