Ideas are bulletproof.

War is a perversion of sex.

Life isn't divided into genres

Love your rage, not your cage.

Never despair. Never surrender.

I did it thirty-five minutes ago.

Everybody has their story to tell.

Is it meaningless to apologize? Never.

The superman exists and he's American.

All culture must have arisen from cult.

Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.

This is not anarchy, Eve. This is chaos.

I have so very much. I have so very little.

Does the human heart know chasms so abysmal?

This is an IMAGINARY STORY...aren't they all?

Love doesn't have a point. Love is the point.

Happiness is the most insidious prison of all.

Well, what do you expect? The Comedian is dead.

I love films that are made with almost no budget.

The dusk reeks of fornication and bad consciences.

All we ever see of stars are their old photographs.

Don't leave home without your sword - your intellect.

The world's a stage, & everything else is Vaudeville.

If you're functional, it doesn't matter if you're mad.

I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people.

The past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.

I felt, if I'm going to react I might as well over react.

The one place gods inarguably exist is in the human mind.

No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise.

There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence.

How can two people hate so much without knowing each other?

They say that life's a game, & then they take the board away.

Nothing's that simple, not even things that are simply awful.

There is an inverse relationship between imagination and money.

I didn't put you in a prison, Evey. I just showed you the bars.

You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.

If I have to have a past, then I prefer it to be multiple choice.

I love the smell of paper in the morning; it smells like victory.

Nothing is insoluble. Nothing is hopeless. Not while there's life.

It's cold and it's mean spirited and I don't like it here anymore.

I'm remote from most technology to the point that I'm kind of Amish.

Now everything is wonderful and hazardous and nothing's hypothetical.

Roses are red Violets are blue Everything's possible Nothing is true.

We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.

I despise the comic industry, but I will always love the comic medium.

I enjoy putting my mind into different situations rather than my body.

The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him... [from Macbeth]

I didn't really sign up to be a celebrity, I only signed up to be a writer.

Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.

I leave the human cockroaches to discuss their heroin and child pornography.

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