I loved 'District 9.'

I don't wear jewelry, as a man.

Vince Vaughn is a master improviser.

A lot of film acting is about being casual.

The wrinklier the raisin, the sweeter the fruit.

[I'm] a huge defender of clowns around the world.

I was really happy with how 'Rogue One' came out.

I don't get dressed up as the character to go audition.

[Heihei] is stupidest chicken on planet Earth and mascot.

I certainly don't understand Fox's decision-making process.

I'm a geeky actor, in the way that I like the craft of acting.

I'm not a big horror movie fan. I am afraid of them; they scare me.

Hollywood comedy has gotten really silly and absurd, and I like that.

What's casual for a robot isn't necessarily what's casual for a human.

It's amazing how much actual chicken sounds lend themselves to stupidity.

The swine flu is evolution, isn't it? In a way, it's an evolution of flu.

I'd much rather play Batman's cousin than Batman. That's more of my speed.

I trained as a stage actor and was given a lot of technical tools to play with.

That's the great thing about Comic Con - people are so accepting of one another.

I can tan. I get tannish. It's not really tan, it's tannish. That kind of color.

I actually oddly have done another robot motion capture. I did Sonny in I, Robot.

BB-8 [from Star Wars] his accent is so thick. You can't make out a damn word he says.

I would say there's about 10 people who know that, that my car was called 'Old Sock.'

Those are always fun characters to play, the ones who are stupid but speak with authority.

I never made it on 'Castle.' I tried a few times, so I don't know, but it never worked out.

I feel much more comfortable as an artist collaborating with others because I feel more mature.

If something makes me laugh really hard, it sticks in my head or my heart or somewhere inside me.

If you're playing a character who says whatever he wants, I felt free to say whatever I wanted on set.

It was great. We knew we were going back when we finished the movie. It was such a big movie [Star Wars].

It's closer to just acting in a film because it was a six-month commitment. We got to fly all over the world.

As an actor, you don't want to say, 'I'm going to be loud and big.' Because that looks awful; that looks fake.

I haven't been to too many cons since Star Wars, and I don't think it's really going to change until it comes out.

This movie [Moana] has a very small cast, and this was the role [Heihei] that they offered me. I loved voicing him.

It was fun working with Will Smith; it was fun working with Alex Proyas, who is another sci-fi guy with 'Dark City.'

If you go back and watch the original 'V,' you're like, 'Oh, I thought this was great. It kind of looks really cheesy.'

I've signed a few Kaytoo photos and things and a couple of action figures [on ComicCon], but really it's not that many.

[ Gareth Edwards] never wanted to force anything that wasn't true. He's very much an actor's director, and it was loose.

'We need a guy who plays dodge ball and thinks he's a pirate - get me Alan Tudyk on the phone!' Those are the jobs I do.

I loved cartoons as a kid, and so many funny moments in animation for me are nonverbal sounds, unarticulated mouth noise.

C-3PO is flappable [in Star Wars]. [Kaytoo is] very unflappable compared to C-3PO, who is just flapping all over the place.

The reason I got into acting was the audience is right there and if you did something great they were right there and you knew it.

I definitely knew how to fly. That's something you don't forget. One spaceship is pretty much like another when it comes to flying.

That's where I'm comfortable - playing a jackass on the scene, rolling in with my pocket watch and my buffoon hairdo, with my shoes.

[Heihei] a really dumb rooster. You have to just turn the rooster so his head ends up hitting the grain. He's not smart enough to eat.

I feel like it'll change after the movie [Star Wars] comes out, if it does. It's really the other way around, surprisingly, as far as Con Man goes.

If you've gone to a sci-fi convention, you've only seen half of it. 'Con Man' delivers what convention 'all-access' passes have only promised in the past.

When 'Firefly' was canceled, we had just a few other places to shop it to - to take it over... And all of them had reasons why they couldn't do it that time.

I like comedies, and my brain sort of spins in that direction. So I'm really happy to say there were several smartass comments that come from me [on Star Wars].

Gareth [Edwards] was very open to just shaping the performances and the scenes to fit what was happening with the actors and the storytelling that was emerging.

R2-D2 is like that, but I think because he doesn't speak actual words, his jokes don't land. It's really a hindrance. And the same with BB-8. But Artoo is a lot stronger.

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