I made short films in school.

Each time demands its own kind of film.

I'm trying to make myself sound better.

[Warren Beatty] is voraciously detail-oriented.

It's just cool to have lunch with Harrison Ford.

That's a lot more legitimate than the retail therapy I do.

I'd never worked with an actor-director before [Warren Beatty].

I honesty feel that each film has its own particular challenges.

I think now I'm more realistic, but I'm still very much an idealist.

Warren [Beatty] did a very cool thing, where he directs in character.

The people I see every day have known me since I was a little fat kid.

Warren [Beatty] loves to talk about his experiences with [Elia] Kazan.

Something that is appealing to me about old Hollywood is job security.

I auditioned for four or five years and didn't get anything after that.

I buy myself a present whenever I don't get a role that I really wanted.

I feel about romance the same way I do about a vocation; it's a calling.

My mother always cultivated my imagination from the time I was very little.

Even though I grew up in L.A., no one in my family was in the movie industry.

When I was 12, I decided I was only going to watch Westerns for a few months.

I tend to be a bit of a hermit. A bit monkish. I like to tune out the context.

I did my first film with Francis Ford Copploa which spoiled the hell out of me.

When I was 14 years old, I was by no means trying to work professionally at all.

Just getting to talk to that person [Woody Allen ] in real life was pretty wild.

I did my first film with Francis Ford Copploa, which spoiled the hell out of me.

So many times you can't get a foot in the door unless you're already in the room.

I remember pretending to be the characters in the movies when I was a little kid.

Elia Kazan - the films he made were such a big deal for me when I was growing up.

I'm an actor because I love movies, and always have loved movies. I'm a film buff.

Even when Warren [Beatty] cast me, it had been two years between films at that point.

I don't have social media, and I'm not, I guess, that adept at being on the Internet.

I just can't imagine having to do an accent all the time - like, in your whole career.

I really want to be a part of those movies that say something good to a lot of people.

It's appealing to me to get to be in a commercial film without feeling like I sold out.

I got turned down for a million jobs until I got my first movie with Francis [Ford Coppola].

It feels like you're being invited into a kind of community [working with the Coen brothers].

I had the opportunity to learn more about what life is like for a soldier [in The Yellow Birds].

I'm glad to be an actor to be employed by people who are now 12, probably. I look forward to that.

When you work for the Coens, they are so fun and so organized. They treat everyone with such respect.

You get bummed out, and then you go, "Oh! Now I get to go buy a present for myself." That kind of helps.

I've had a couple opportunities where I've been on the other side of the audition process as a director.

Paul Newman made eight of my favorite movies. He chose a certain kind of movie I really identified with.

You need those people to also have power and authority, and in a way that has been the story of my career.

No one remembers it; none of my friends remember me having it, but I had really bad acne for, like, years.

My parents weren't involved in show business but my parents would show me. We'd watch old films in the house.

[ Woody Allen] persona in the films are so iconic; it's like on par with Groucho Marx or something like that.

Every movie I've done, it's always the same criteria: finding a great story, and finding a great part to play.

I'm just excited to be a part of the movie [Star Wars]. It's always the particulars that are the most exciting.

There's a lot of complicated magical reasons why I'm not at the party that are too long and semantic to go into.

[Woody Allen] does very few takes, and he doesn't give a whole ton of directions, although he does give direction.

I think it would be frustrating having to do things you wouldn't want to do, having to make movies you didn't like.

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