I hate being ignored.

Nobody ever sees me. Thank you.

How do we let people pay for music?

Thank God my best friend's a therapist.

We are human and our nature is to air...

Take on the pain and wear it as a shirt.

I don't try to make anybody outside happy.

Eat the pain. Send it back into the void as love.

When you trust people to help you, they often do.

It’s not easy to ask… asking makes you vulnerable.

I'm a massive fan of David Lynch and 'Twin Peaks.'

Donald Trump is going to make punk rock great again.

When you connect with people, they want to help you.

I was just a very dark kid. My family was complicated.

If you love people enough, they will give you everything.

When we really see each other, we want to help each other.

If I simply do what I've always done, it's never failed me.

Nothing is crueller than children who come from good homes.

It would nice to live in a world where art can just be art!

I am bigger on the inside But you have to come inside to see me

I get really fantastic results when I just get out of my own way.

I crave intimacy to the same burning degree that I detest commitment.

I'm still trying to express my truth, my place in the world, my belief.

If we can repair things emotionally, a lot of other things would follow.

You are an artist when you make someone feel something deep and unexpected.

The world needs actual excitement and emotion more than it needs cool people.

Life as it should be: all friends, all art, all music, all love, all the time.

There's a huge cloud of shame around art and business being seen as bedfellows.

I do what I want. I try to be nice to everybody. When I fail, I try to apologize.

When you cannot joke about the darkness of life, that’s when the darkness takes over.

I want to be happy. i want to make people happy. i do not need to be rich to do that.

How you sound. How you look. Are you fat? Those are things that could be really irritating.

Crowdfunding as an idea itself isn't new - bands have been doing it since the dawn of time.

If you want the world to pay for projects, you have to be able to display why you're worthy.

I still get laughed at but it doesn't bother me, I'm just so glad to hear laughter around me.

You know what’s really cool? Wake up every morning, decide what you feel like doing, and do it.

If I were a guy, it would be, you know, just a different set of problems I have to carry along.

Art is food for the soul, and an artistic climate is a healthy climate because it breeds empathy.

I think performance art comes from a simple place of wanting to express things beyond just sound.

Every album is just a greatest hits of whatever songs are on a pile when I go in to make a record.

I get so many ideas for songs, but I'm so seldom disciplined enough to sit down and crank them out.

Sometimes I have a terrible feeling that I am dying not from the virus, but from being untouchable.

I suppose I'm happy to sell my time and energy, but I'm not happy to sell my initial creative time.

If you're willing to take risks, Twitter is a vast amusement park of interesting life possibilities.

Twitter fascinates me because it's real. It feels kind of unreal, but it makes very real things happen.

I have never in my career embarked on a journey towards controversy. I have never deliberately set a flame.

The impulse to connect the dots - and to share what you've connected - is the urge that makes you an artist

There's really no honor in proving that you can carry the entire load on your own shoulders. Andit's lonely.

The stage show is, in some sense, highly theatrical. It's definitely not just a band in jeans playing rock and roll.

I suffer mornings most of all I feel so powerless and small By ten o'clock I'm back in bed Fighting the jury in my head

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