I feel a burden if I don't write.

Having no work would be terrible.

Whatever I do becomes controversial.

I like poems and keep sharing them online.

I miss the camera each moment and each day.

What I do on film is part of my profession.

As a professional, I cannot afford to be complacent.

This proves Indians do nothing else but surf the Web.

I have never been a superstar and never believed in it.

There are many things that I feel I have missed out on.

If the modes are changing, one goes along with it, I guess.

I sometimes feel that I have been born to attract controversy.

I have never really been confident about my career at any stage.

No one is perfect, and criticism is always welcome and expected.

Whatever free time I get, I love to catch news and sports shows.

I sign a film based on the story, the role I play, and the maker.

'What will people say?' is a feeling every Indian girl grows up with.

It's a war zone, my body, and one which has been through a great deal.

Everyone must accept that we will age and age is not always flattering.

Life is a blur when one is essaying different roles; it is so fulfilling.

I am not conscious of the fact that something special should be done for me.

My opening words to anybody I hire are, 'I'm an extremely vulnerable person.'

I believe that cinema picks up ideas from society and not the other way round.

I'd love to romance Aishwarya Rai. But I'm 58 now. So I have to play her father.

I've accepted that I was a failure in politics. I was not qualified for the job.

Dearest TV media and vans outside my home, please do not stress and work so hard.

I like to rate myself as a performer upfront, both in films as well as in television.

I don't use any techniques; I'm not trained to be an actor. I just enjoy working in films.

Don't let anyone make you believe the length of your skirt is a measure of your character.

I was born in fame. I was always recognised and known. Personally, I feel normal about it.

I'm very lucky and very fortunate to have survived and to still be working after 45 years.

I know I should have never got into politics. And I've learned my lesson. No more politics.

People are fed up with seeing the same thing over and over. They want a qualitative change.

I had two surgeries during the early part of 2012, and I was advised to restrict my work load.

'No' is an entire sentence in itself. No means no, and when somebody says it, you need to stop.

Whether the work that I do shall succeed or achieve critical acclaim is for the audience to decide.

Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio - he be soo gorgeous, no wonder all the ladies flockin' to him - He be Gatsby.

Basically I am just another actor who loves his work and this thing about age only exists in the media.

I sometimes lament the fact that I do not have the benefit of a complete and ailment free body structure.

I think 'Crouching Tiger' is a genre of its own, and it's extremely well done, and God bless them for it.

I went into politics on an emotional level and soon realised that emotion has nothing to do with politics.

When I wrote my first blog, I got one response. Now, I sometimes get as many as 400 responses for my posts.

I would like to believe that I still am a shy person; I am very introverted. I have a problem communicating.

Very rarely have I had the opportunity to say lines which I would have said even if I wasn't working in a film.

A lot of my fighting qualities I inherited from my parents. They set tremendous examples right through my life.

India as a film-making nation has gained recognition, at last, at most important Western and Far Eastern forums.

The best part about being a superstar is that you can wear the most outrageous of clothes and they say 'it's in!'

Ram Gopal Varma is a most noteworthy talent and has given us some very valuable iconic films. I enjoy working with him.

Change is the nature of life but challenge is the future of life. So challenge the changes. Never change the challenges.

Donate and do not talk about it, they say you do nothing for the society; do and talk about it, they say you seek publicity!

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