I don't believe anyone is ugly.

Hate doesn't end hate. Love ends hate.

I was a monkey child. I was like a clown.

That's all I want, to keep losing myself.

When I first saw Emma Stone, it was like I woke up.

After a while, you crave pajamas and a shaved head.

I'd much rather be in the world than in some ivory tower somewhere.

I've gone through my whole life caring deeply what people think of me.

I've realised that at the top of the mountain, there's another mountain.

I feel incredibly awkward as a human being and incredibly teenaged still.

I have been drawn to stories that are attempting to turn suffering into beauty.

I have very strong feelings about what modern fame means, and the toxicity of it.

I think too much. Being in my body is much more satisfying than being in my head.

I'm right next to two beautiful women right now, so I'm going to sit right back down.

We're all one thing, and we're all just enacting different aspects of ourselves all the time.

It's much easier to gain control over a mass population when you pit them against each other.

I believe that doing movies like this is positive because they can inspire and be entertaining.

We're always serving something, even if we're not aware of it. We're usually serving capitalism.

As an adolescent, Spider-Man was what got me through tough times in terms of being a skinny kid.

I think above all else [The Social Network] is a love story. And something of a tragic one, I suppose.

Spider-Man has always been a symbol of goodness and doing the right thing and looking after your fellow man.

I'm pretty good at saying no to things, at discerning between what I'm supposed to do and what I'm not supposed to do.

I hope that I'm always struggling, really. You develop when you're struggling. When you're struggling, you get stronger.

My parents signed me up for classical guitar lessons, which made for two years of the most depressing Wednesday evenings.

I'm always having a crisis of faith, with everything. People who are certain are terrifying to me. That's how religious wars get started.

I read Naomi Klein's 'No Logo' when I was 15. It's one of the things that's shaped my relationship to fame - to endorsements, to selling things.

I've been obsessed with Michael B. Jordan since The Wire. He's so charismatic and talented. It'd be even better—we'd have interracial bisexuality!

I love that idea that if you know someone's story, it's impossible not to love them. This is potentially hokey but incredibly true, as far as I'm concerned.

Obviously there's something very seductive about movies, which can be attractive in a bad way if you're doing them for the wrong reasons - for money, or for fame.

I was raised with the idea that the arts were a doss - but the arts are vital. If you see Mark Rylance perform Shakespeare at the Globe, you know it's a spiritual act.

As an actor, one is so appreciative when one is working. I think I am lucky that I have the opportunity to work having that total dependence on an external validation.

Everyone has made themselves into a commodity with Facebook, Twitter - with all of these things, you're commodifying your life every time you post an Instagram picture.

Famous people scare me. I get really nervous around famous people. ... I overcompensate (with) how unimpressed I am, which is completely and utter rubbish. So I'm a fan.

In secondary school I was floating - I wasn't passionate about anything. I did a little sport, but it was pretty joyless because the competitiveness was too much to bear.

I do just want to be an actor. The thing I get out of it is actually doing the job and inhabiting the world and the role - and I mean that genuinely. That's what I'm in it for.

I sincerely want to help create beauty in the world and move a culture of separateness back towards community. I really, really do, and I think art is a powerful way of doing that.

If I can keep losing myself - and finding parts of myself - in other people's writing and direction, then that's all I can really ask for. That's all I want, to keep losing myself.

Films were really my church. As a young kid, it was movies and books; it was nothing remarkable, really, just that is where I felt soothed, that is where I felt most myself... safest.

I have to remember that I didn't have to become an actor. I didn't have to put myself in this position. If I'd wanted to have autonomy - if that was what I was after - then I could have chosen another profession.

I just think I've always been sensitive and had difficulty containing my feelings, and I've always searched for outlets for that, because otherwise those feelings come out in chaotic ways that aren't always great.

Donald Trump is a lost soul wandering this Earth. He's been led down the Willy Loman path and believes his own hype. He's serving his little self and his little ego; otherwise, why would he need to overcompensate so much?

America always seemed to me this foreign land that I imagined I could escape to if I needed to get away - and I think that came both from the fact that I was born there and from watching so many American movies when I was a kid.

I have no interest in being known as a celebrity; 'celebrity' is a pretty disgusting word. It's part of the brainwashing of the culture, part of the false idolatry of those that are only human, and I don't want to participate in that.

When I found out about being cast in 'Spider-Man,' it was like this bubble developed around me. I was floating in it for a while. And then, suddenly, it evaporated, and I was like, 'Well, I'm just an actor. I don't get to actually be Spider-Man.'

Peter (Parker) is not that evolved. Peter wants to tell the world he's a good guy: ' Like me, I'm nice.' He's a 19 year-old kid. He's a kid struggling with being misunderstood. We've all been misunderstood. That's universal too. I like being Peter.

One of the amazing things about Spider-Man is that you don’t see skin colour when he’s in the suit. You don’t see any religious beliefs. A hero is a hero, whether you’re a man, woman, gay, lesbian, straight, black, white or red all over ― it doesn’t matter.

In film, there's this kind of constant fear that you're going to be doing too much. That may be an unfounded fear because I love sizable performances on film, especially when they're by performers who push the boundaries of what people deem the right kind of size.

America always seemed to me this foreign land that I imagined I could escape to if I needed to get away - and I think that came both from the fact that I was born there and from watching so many American movies when I was a kid. I was brought up on American films.

I have very strong feelings about what modern fame means, and the toxicity of it. I read Naomi Klein's No Logo when I was 15. It's one of the things that's shaped my relationship to fame - to endorsements, to selling things. I've taken a certain path in terms of all that stuff.

I worked in a Starbucks that wasn't very popular - before the big coffee boom in London. My boss didn't take kindly to my incessant sitting. I was like, 'Look, I've dusted everything, the stockroom is all figured out... I would rather sit now so I have the energy when a customer does come in.'

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