Doing something completely different than acting for awhile is really important.

You better get as much work as you can now because, once you get over 40, it’s over.

I love female-driven drama, and those kinds of characters. I really love complex women.

The biggest challenge is the chaos of parenthood, which has honestly been such a welcome challenge - bring it on, I say!

I think when you're a mom and an actor, it forces you to leave any actor neuroses behind and just concentrate on the work.

I was always really drawn to that fantasy world, more than a sci-fi world, in terms of outer space stuff. I think it's so cool.

Breaks are good because you need breaks to be more creative. It's hard to come up with that creativity and the stamina for that creativity, all the time.

When you get pregnant, you start reading pregnancy books. Everything has been pretty textbook. It's amazing how they can say, 'This week, this might happen,' and it kind of does. I had typical nausea the first trimester, which was no fun. And extreme tiredness.

I'm always drawn to strong female leads, so that's what drew me to 'Lost Girl.' I was a 'Buffy' fan and watched it with friends every week. I was also a big fan of 'Alias' when that was on - they both had strong female leads, and that's what draws me in the most.

When I started in the business, years ago, people would always say, "You better get as much work as you can now because, once you get over 40, it's over." I don't see that with TV. Maybe it's because I am getting older, but the kinds of roles I'm drawn to are more mature roles.

I had a book that was given to me as a kid that was called 'Faeries.' It was this dark, sinister book with pictures that used to scare me because they were these creepy little creatures. But, I was always really drawn to that fantasy world, more than a sci-fi world, in terms of outer space stuff.

I think professionally I admire people and the way they've handled their careers and being in the media. But the people that I used to inspire me and keep me going were my peers in Toronto - I would see the same girls going to audition after audition, and their resilience to do it again, and I found that inspiring.

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