I don't listen to people who doubt me.

I've knocked out a lot of my opponents.

No shame in losing to an all-time great.

I've been listening 50 cent's audiobook, 'The Hustler.'

Us fighters thrive on performing and entertaining a crowd.

I'm looking to fight for a world title by the end of 2019.

I love my chocolate, I love my dessert, I love my cookie dough.

I haven't done no trash talking. And, I don't do trash talking.

They say aim for the stars, but I want to aim beyond the stars.

I believe some things are labelled impossible until they are done.

Boxing gives you discipline, it helps you physically and mentally.

I love pizza, I love Chinese food, Caribbean food, I love Italian.

Sparring with southpaws have been different but nothing to worry me.

I'm confident and when you have power like me, it relaxes your nerves.

I study Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr and Sugar Ray Leonard.

It doesn't matter about the man behind the belt. For me, it's about the title.

Nine times out of 10 the smarter or mentally focused fighter comes out on top.

I'm a strong believer in destiny. I believe you are born to do certain things.

As fighters we want to do the best we can, so we visualize what we want to happen.

People talk about world title offers, but boxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

I train hard, but having a fight on the cards so often gives me targets and focus.

I just say to myself I'm going to be a better fighter day to day. That's my thing.

I've got a lot of criticism for not taking domestic fights but I've got my own strategy.

I've seen people get robbed, seen people get shot with my own eyes, for pointless petty crimes.

The streets are tough but sport, and boxing especially, has put me on the right path in my life.

Not any disrespect to Kovalev or anything but I'm not focussed on Kovalev, I'm not a fan of his.

I was never a weapons person, you're a coward if you have to walk with a weapon, be a man and fight.

I could fight for a world title and win it, but it is about getting to that stage and staying there.

I wasn't good at football when I was young but I made myself get good at football because of my mentality.

Sometimes if you spend your time focusing on other people, you give them energy over you; you give them power.

I believe when you rush your work, you're not thinking about what you're doing. That's when you make mistakes.

Stop being childish. Use your time better - better yourself. Read a book, or do a workout exercise on YouTube.

I wanted to look like Mike Tyson. But then I started to realize, in a twelve round fight, you must be patient.

My contact with my dad's side of my family got less after we stopped living together, but they were in my life.

I don't want to blow my own trumpet but the aim of the game is to hit and not get hit and that is what I am doing.

I am not looking at Dec Spelman as if he is a fighter I can just walk through. I don't go out looking for knockouts.

It was boxing, but I also feel it was my drive and ambition that kept me away from the stupidness, and my calculation.

You need to mourn, you need to be upset, to give yourself time to replenish. Then you use it all as fuel to get stronger.

I doubt Picasso ever painted a picture in an hour, he took his time, looked at every detail and made sure it was perfect.

I thought the Mike Tyson story was beautiful and it drew me in. He was bullied, a small kid who started knocking out giants.

It's about getting in there and being ready, getting the fight on your terms, taking the least amount of punishment possible.

Mayweather has been hit the least out of every world champion in history and that is the art of the sport; to hit and not get hit.

100 percent, I'm a natural athlete. From when I was younger, I played so many different sports and I've got a competitive mindset.

You have to have plans. But the important thing first is to do your job in the ring. If you do that properly, then success will come.

I have been very busy having so many fights since I turned pro. To have 13 in little more than two years is a lot by modern standards.

I didn't start boxing until I was 18 but I believe that is a big advantage now. If you start too young, it's easy to become distracted.

I believe when you have your hands on four or five pots at once, you can never have a firm grip on one pot. My one pot is being a boxer.

I know that you need to be entertaining at the beginning to get people interested, and what interests people is knockouts and excitement.

Idras Elba was from Forest Gate - where I am from - there are a lot of great people around if they can be given a chance or have the belief.

I don't want to become world champion and lose it immediately. I want to become world champion, take over the division and take it from there.

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