If you have something to say and say nothing, you are really telling a lie.

All I ask of Life is a constant and exaggerated sense of my own importance.

One possible reason that I don't believe in fate is that I wasn't fated to.

Nothing we do can change the past, but everything we do changes the future.

History may never have all the facts, but history always has the last word.

If I had more skill in what I'm attempting, I wouldn't need so much courage

Life is not a problem - Life is the closest God has yet come to a solution.

My life is a performance for which I was never given any chance to rehearse.

My cat knows the meaning of life, but has no interest in sharing the secret.

I've learned so much from my failures that I'm thinking of having some more.

Time will end all my troubles, but I don't always approve of Time's methods.

Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules.

I have no prejudices: all my irrational hatreds are based on solid evidence.

I hope I never become so used to the world that it no longer seems wonderful.

My social life is much better, since I stopped spending it with other people.

Why am I so often at the mercy of those who don't deserve to control my life?

Take Courage! Whatever you decide to do, it will probably be the wrong thing.

Your reasoning is excellent, it's only your basic assumptions that are wrong.

How can I be sure I've succeeded, if I can't remember what I was trying to do

The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.

Take heart! Many great things have been done by people in poor mental health.

The surest way to remain a winner is to win once, and then not play any more.

My mind contains many good ideas, but it's not always easy to squeeze one out.

Nothing really matters except a few things that really don't matter very much.

Not being able to do everything is no excuse for not doing everything you can.

At great expense, we have built a vast system of inter-connecting stupidities.

The things I fear may all be imaginary, so what I fear most is my imagination.

In a democracy, every little wrong idea may grow up to become national policy.

The surest way to learn is by doing it, but often, the lesson is: Don't do it!

The whole world is our dining room, but be careful: it is also our garbage can

To always hit the target, throw a dart, then call whatever you hit the target.

The information I most want is in books not yet written by people not yet born.

The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other.

My time is far too valuable for me to spend any of it trying to improve myself.

A good friend is worth pursuing... but why would a good friend be running away?

Please don't tell me to relax, it's only my tension that's holding me together.

I like who I am, and am puzzled to find that not everybody shares this opinion.

Even with a round table, some people always seem able to sit at the head of it.

My biggest problem is what to do about all the things I cant do anything about.

Unless you move, the place where you are is the place where you will always be.

If you dont do it, youll never know what would have happened if you had done it

It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.

I too am a member of the human race, (but admittedly not a very active member).

Cling to your insecurity, in this world, it's the only thing you can be sure of.

It can take a surprisingly long time to get from one part of my mind to another.

I don't understand you. You don't understand me. What else do we have in common?

It's amazing how much research has gone into making some of the worst decisions.

My problems aren't big but it doesn't necessarily take a big problem to kill me.

Most of my problems have no answer or else the answer is worse than the problem.

History records no more gallant struggle than that of humanity against the truth.

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