I never drink... wine.

My close-up was magnificent!

I never play without my cape.

The stage is near and dear to me.

I'll take any story if it's good.

Death, the final, triumphant lover.

I've been using narcotics for 20 years.

Women have a predestination to suffering.

Supernatural perhaps...baloney, perhaps not!

If you are not serious, people will sense it.

To win a woman, take her with you to see Dracula.

To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious.

Martyrdom was the price of enthusiasm for acting.

To portray a maniac offers a compelling challenge.

The love-bite, it is the beginning. You will be irresistible.

The screen magnifies everything, even the way you are thinking.

In Hungary acting is a profession. In America it is a decision.

In Hungary, acting is a profession. In America, it is a decision.

I have lived too completely. I think I have known every human emotion.

I will not be tortured! I tear torture out of myself by torturing you!

I have lived too completely, I think. I have known every human emotion.

I'll be truthful. The weekly paycheck is the most important thing to me.

I look in the mirror and say to myself, Can it be you once played Romeo?

When a film company is in the red they come to me. Always it is the same.

Of all the roles I've done on the stage, I'm partial to Cyrano de Bergerac.

It took several years of hard work in small roles before I attained stardom.

Without movie parts I was reduced to freak status. I just couldn't stand it.

That is different, to have someone think that I am evil when I really am not.

I have never met a vampire personally, but I don't know what might happen tomorrow.

Every actor is somewhat mad, or else he'd be a plumber or a bookkeeper or a salesman.

Actors were exploited no less by the capitalist managers than they were by the state.

In making theories, always keep a window open so that you can throw one out if necessary.

Every producer in Hollywood had set me down as a type. I was both amused and disappointed.

I'd like to quit the supernatural roles and play just an interesting, down-to-earth person.

The former ruling class kept the community of actors in ignorance by means of various lies.

I don't have a dime left. I am dependent on my friends for food and a small old-age pension.

People, chained by monotony, afraid to think, clinging to certainties... they live like ants.

You can't make people believe in you if you play a horror part with your tongue in your cheek.

I studied at the Budapest Academy of Theatrical Arts for four years and emerged with a degree.

In the studio the director controls the actor's every move, every inflection, every expression.

I enjoy my work. I haven't been an actor for 30 years without getting pleasure out of the profession.

The vampire was a complete change from the usual romantic characters I was playing, but it was a success.

If my accent betrayed my foreign birth, it also stamped me as an enemy, in the imagination of the producers.

The actor depends wholly on himself. He gives his performance in what, to him, seems the most effective manner.

Circumstances made me the theatrical personality I am, which many people believe is also a part of my personal life.

It took me years to live down Dracula and convince the film producers that I would play almost any other type of role.

Because of my language and the pantomime with which most Europeans accompany their speech, I was catalogued as a heavy.

It is women who love horror. Gloat over it. Feed on it. Are nourished by it. Shudder and cling and cry out-and come back for more.

In Hungary, acting is a career for which one fits himself as earnestly as one studies for a degree in medicine, law, or philosophy.

The role seemed to demand that I keep myself worked up to fever pitch, so I took on the actual attributes of the horrible vampire, Dracula.

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