Life is stressful.

Love is everywhere.

I'm a big bath person.

I don't believe in diets.

Nothing comes easily for me.

Taste everything, eat nothing.

New York City is my playground.

I grew up in a very toxic home.

I truly don't believe in regret.

I'm scared of the unknown future.

I didn't binge when I was pregnant.

Let's be clear, I'm a strong woman.

I have always been a business person.

Truthfully, my life is always lunacy.

Yoga is a gift that you give yourself.

Food is not your best friend or enemy.

Never assume someone is smarter than you.

I despise shopping and department stores.

I think that yoga, it really is a process.

I enjoy business. I enjoy inspiring women.

My business doesn't keep me warm at night.

Sleep. It's like giving yourself a massage.

Being with my family is my highest priority.

I'm stronger than anything in my way. Holla!

I can't work without my family being with me.

I went onto reality TV as a business decision.

Summer = yoga, snowcones, swimming & no makeup

I've always been told I have a giant placenta.

My books have helped a lot of men to lose weight.

I love pregnancy and the bump and the whole thing.

My biggest 'don't' from the past? Picking my face!

All I ever wanted to do was be able to pay my rent.

I'm not overly focused on being loved by everybody.

If you're happy on your own you are going to be okay.

I enjoy writing. I enjoy communicating and connecting.

A failed personal experience is just fear and anxiety.

Faith, culture, structure and guidance are good things.

Frankly, I don't trust any diet that doesn't allow sugar.

You choose happiness. You don't wait for it to choose you.

I like to look nice, but I'm not marketing being beautiful.

I'm one of those people who have everything in their purses.

Love yourself and don't settle for less than what you deserve.

In life, no two days are the same for me. It's like a snowflake.

Life is hopefully long, so I don't know what the future will bring.

Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.

You have to work for everything. Marriage should not be any different.

The only way I'm interested in having a baby is the old-fashioned way.

I have the most beautiful daughter in the world and I'm grateful for her.

I realized that there are no certainties in life. You can't manipulate fate.

In many ways, being pregnant and working were more difficult than motherhood.

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