The kids are a big part of my schedule.

Eventually, all companies are replaced.

Vision without execution is daydreaming.

I don't generally read a lot of fiction.

Bitcoin is a technological tour de force

WWW? Nice toy, but what a waste of time.

Two years from now, spam will be solved.

Don’t tax my income, tax my consumption.

Reward worthy failure - Experimentation.

We're changing the world with technology.

Rules broken today become norms tomorrow.

Creativity allows people to be effective.

Microsoft Products are Generally Bug Free

Software is more important than hardware.

The Internet? We are not interested in it

Ridiculous sums of money can be confusing.

The future of advertising is the Internet.

I didn't completed my University Education

Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction.

If I had one dollar left, I'd spend it on PR

AIDS itself is subject to incredible stigma.

Innovation is moving at a scarily fast pace.

We will never make a 32-bit operating system.

'I don't know' has become 'I don't know yet'.

Skype actually does get a fair bit of revenue.

Often you just have to rely on your intuition.

Energy innovation is not a nationalistic game.

I didn't even complete my University Education

Newspaper readership is still growing in India.

I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one.

I'm going to retain a lot of Microsoft's stock.

Most poor people live in the poorest countries.

I think there will be PCs at every price point.

Being maniacal about something is very helpful.

Everything on the internet is real god damn it!

Don't wallow in failure. Instead, learn from it.

Rich countries can afford to overpay for things.

Legacy is a stupid thing! I don't want a legacy.

Microsoft is a company that manages imagination.

And knowledge management is a means, not an end.

There is no doubt PC prices will be coming down.

Microsoft is always two years away from failure.

Computers and games don't waste time - people do.

The AIDS is a disease that is hard to talk about.

To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks.

We'll have infinite bandwidth in a decade's time.

DOS is ugly and interferes with users' experience.

Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point.

Certainly, the Windows share of servers is strong.

The world needs banking but it does not need banks.

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