How do I know the Bible isn't the word of God? Well if it was the ...

How do I know the Bible isn't the word of God? Well if it was the word of God it would be clear and easy to understand...considering God was the creator of LANGUAGE!

What are you reading for?

You all saw him - he had a gun.

Right foot, left foot, hemorrhage.

I've said all that I've had to say.

You are the imagination of yourself.

Humanity is just a virus with shoes.

All governments are lying cocksuckers.

Oh sorry, I was taking life seriously.

I smoke to fill the potholes in my soul

So, it's good to be here, wherever I am.

What does an atheist scream when they come?

How dare you have wino tell me not to do drugs.

They Want You To Be A Docile Apathetic Consumer

not all drugs are good.. some of them are great

And I'm not getting laid! What am I doing wrong?

Just one thing I know for sure, chicks dig jerks.

I am available for children's parties, by the way.

I'm a heavy smoker. I go through two lighters a day.

We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.

It's an insane world, and I'm proud to be a part of it.

If I thought the Jews killed God, I'd worship the Jews.

It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.

I'm just skin covering coffee and some real nervous teeth.

Music is a great energizer. It's a language everybody knows.

Okay, I got one word to ask you, a one word question, ready?

Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.

I'm totally confused about what I'm going to do with my life.

What do you say we lighten things up and talk about abortion?

Listen, the next revolution is gonna be a revolution of ideas.

Speaking of Satan, I was watching Rush Limbaugh the other day.

Life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.

I don't like anything in the mainstream and they don't like me.

Don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.

Yesterday, some hooligans knocked over a dustbin in Shaftesbury.

Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive.

I believe that there is an equality to all humanity. We all suck.

If you are living for tomorrow, you will always be one day behind.

Eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions god's infinite love.

Ultimately, it is in fun. It is supposed to be highly entertaining.

When two or more people agree on an issue, I form on the other side.

It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious.

I don't do drugs anymore... than, say, the average touring funk band.

Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye.

We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free.

I need my sleep. I need about eight hours a day, and about ten at night.

I wouldn't give Satan a snowball's chance in Hell against a woman's ego.

Would you let the aliens land, please? They might be here to pick me up.

To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a big mistake.

Laughter makes the bitter swallowing of truth, for some, a little easier.

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