Hope is really a thought.

Vulnerability is not weakness.

Hope is a function of struggle.

Unused creativity is not benign.

Empathy is the antidote to shame.

There is no joy without gratitude.

Cruelty is easy, cheap and rampant.

What's worth doing even if you fail?

Numb the dark and you numb the light.

Lean into the discomfort of the work.

Worthiness doesn't have prerequisites.

Tell your story with your whole heart.

Maybe stories are just data with a soul.

You can’t dress rehearse the bad moments.

Effort + the courage to show up = enough.

What makes something better is connection.

Faith minus vulnerability is fundamentalism

Fear is the opposite of love, in my opinion.

Want to be happy? Stop trying to be perfect.

Talk about your failures without apologizing.

There is no creativity without vulnerability.

What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful.

Shame derives its power from being unspeakable.

When you numb your pain you also numb your joy.

We cannot give our children what we don’t have.

Vulnerability is the cornerstone of confidence.

We have to be women we want our daughters to be.

I'm an academic. I'm hardwired for a good debate.

What we know matters but who we are matters more.

If we own the story then we can write the ending.

Dare to be the adults we want our children to be.

If you own this story you get to write the ending.

Connection gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

There's no evidence that vulnerabilty is weakness.

I think a lot of us are looking for the same thing.

Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones.

Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.

What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.

Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.

Empathy fuels connection; sympathy drives disconnection.

Think about what’s pleasurable, not just what’s possible.

I believe joy is a spiritual practice we have to work at.

Don't do anything that you're already not great at doing.

I love to take, process and share photos - it fills me up.

Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.

There are infinite numbers of do overs for your teen girls.

The two most powerful words when we're in struggle: me too.

If you can't say it to me in front of my kids, don't say it.

Are you the adult that you want your child to grow up to be?

Courage is telling our story, not being immune to criticism.

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