Danger is cool.

I look like everyone.

I don't have spare time.

I have some anger issues.

I look like everyone else.

I'm a big fan of 'Mad Men.'

Pot always just made me sleepy.

I intend to do more directing TV.

Our whole society is instantaneous.

Actors are inherently self-centered.

Money has never been my primary goal.

I don't really relax. When I sleep, I relax.

I don't wanna have anything left in the tank.

Any kind of civil rights oppression is wrong.

My dear friend Aaron Paul. I love you so much.

My goal has always been to be a working actor.

Part of an actor's job is to draw up a back story.

Mixing humor and politics is something that works.

I love acting because it's empowering. It empowers me.

I have a lovely family who supports me and it's great.

At my age, I don't think anyone is untouched by cancer.

It's up to the actor to make sure they don't get typecast.

There are far more talented people doing voice work than I.

Bad for the sake of bad is boring to me and not believable.

I didn't feel entitled to become a star. I didn't expect it.

The imagination is part of the arsenal that actors draw from.

I think it's not a question of why, more a question of why not.

As a director you come in and tell the actors how good they are.

There's boldness in being assertive; there's strength and confidence.

When everyone has high expectation for you, it can attack your insecurities.

If you have a screaming angry director, everyone else will be panicked as well.

Being a day player, period, is one of the hardest things you can do as an actor.

Viewers can determine what they want to watch and what they don't want to watch.

I'm pretty handy! I do a lot of things around the house, and I actually enjoy it.

Every time you start a project, you're hopeful that the critics receive it warmly.

Every experience feeds an actor, and I've learned that depression is all around us.

It is my biggest fear, something happening to a child, your child, is unfathomable.

I appreciate my role as an actor much more after I direct because it's just easier.

It's mind-altering when you slip into someone else's shoes. That's psychedelic, man.

To me, character in a person is judged by the decisions that are made under pressure.

I do force myself to sleep with myself to get the job. But that's always a disappointment.

With craziness, you can't predict it. There's very little defense you can have on craziness.

Gay and lesbian couples should have the right to experience the joys of marriage and family.

I want to be done, and actually, go "I had a good run. No regrets. I'm ready to step aside."

I enjoy doing comedy for the fact that you go to work and you laugh. That's a good combination.

I think the best-written films or television series have a measure of the opposite of what they are.

I learned long ago to focus on things you can control and don't even pay attention to things you don't.

The only thing that we as actors really can control is to be able to say 'yes' or 'no' to the material.

What's great about well-written material is, if you can shock with justifiable actions, that's the best.

That's the reason you want to become a star as an actor, to be able to have more control of your destiny.

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