Isn't everyone a part of everyone else?

Conscience. That stuff can drive you nuts.

You can't eat your friends and have them too

I could have had class. I could have been a contender.

I don't like the country. The crickets make me nervous.

Living with a conscience is like driving with the brakes on.

Silence is the sure sign that youre on your way out in Hollywood.

Living with a conscience is like driving a car with the brakes on.

Silence is the sure sign that you're on your way out in Hollywood.

As much as I love boxing, I hate it. And as much as I hate it, I love it.

Hey, you want to hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you.

Tell Papa I admire him but from now on I plan to admire him from as far away as I can get.

I coulda' had class. I coulda' been a contender! But instead I got a one way ticket to Palookaville.

You either go along with the system - conform to what is expected to be a hit - or you have very tough going

You either go along with the system - conform to what is expected to be a hit - or you have very tough going.

Fights can be dumped in a dozen ways. Sometimes everybody but the fighter knows. Sometimes only the fighter knows.

I suppose it's too bad people can't be a little more consistent. But if they were, maybe they would stop being people.

Unless we know people well, we sit around with our words and our minds starched, afraid of being ourselves for fear of wrinkling them.

Very few fighters get the consideration of racehorses, which are put out to pasture to grow old with dignity and comfort when they haven't got it anymore.

Boxing is a mental sport. Think of a prizefight as a chess game of mind and body, and you are a little closer to it than if you compare it to a bloody brawl in an alley.

In English the expression 'ancient Greece' includes the meaning of 'finished,' whereas for us Greece goes on living, for better or for worse; it is in life, has not expired yet.

You know what's wrong with our waterfront? It's the love of a lousy buck. It's making the love of a buck, the cushy job, more important than the love of man. It's forgetting that every fellow down here's your brother in Christ.

I’d like to be remembered as someone who used their ability as a novelist or as a dramatist to say the things he felt needed to be said about the society while being as entertaining as possible. Because if you don’t entertain, nobody’s listening.

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