I can get ready in 10 minutes.

For me, fashion begins in New York.

Intuition is a strong feminine quality.

Just wear what you think looks beautiful.

You never forget people who make you laugh.

I very seldom compromise. I am a Capricorn.

The word "elegance" is a bit different now.

I think elegance is always going to be there.

Perfection does not exist - only God is perfect.

I love myself so much, I simply cannot describe it.

Fashion has to be worn; otherwise it doesn't exist.

Sometimes the simplest things are the most profound.

Don't become a fashion victim is what I'm trying to say.

Keep in shape: if you look good, you will feel confident.

You need somebody you respect and admire to back you always.

It's not all about beauty! It's also about a sense of humor.

I'm not in the fashion business; I'm in the beauty business.

It's very important to have a definitive style as a designer.

Glamour is beyond beauty and beyond age. It's like sex appeal.

I don't like trends. They tend to make everybody look the same.

Fashion should be fun. It shouldn't be labelled 'intellectual.'

I'm not going to say that I'm perfect. I do have fashion crises.

You can't wait for people to tell you; you have to know yourself.

Luxury will be always around, no matter what happens in the world.

People confuse vulgar and naked with sexiness. You want the mystery!

I think a sense of humor is the most important thing anyone can have.

You wouldn't know it but I'm no good at... cooking. My chef does that.

In anything you do, it's important to have your own personality there.

Attention to detail is of utmost importance when you want to look good.

If you do something for so long, it's really great in your life, right?

The difference between fashion and art is that fashion is art in movement.

Fashion never stops. There is always the new project, the new opportunity.

Fashion is to please your eye. Shapes and proportions are for your intellect.

All women like to have their clothes admired, and those that deny it are lying.

I believe that you have to treat the people who work with you like your family.

Always choose style over fashion: wear something that makes you look beautiful.

Fashion is not easy. You have to change your eye to look for beauty all the time.

I don't get my inspiration from books or a painting. I get it from the women I meet.

I have always loved trouser suits. It's something I absolutely believe in for women.

British and American women have very different styles and a different way of living.

When you live and work in different time zones, you spend a lot of time on airplanes.

There's a tendency for designers to embellish the size of their business. I never lie.

Any business is the same in the beginning because nobody knows where it's going to ride.

You never expect anything when you are 20 because you think that you'll never get older.

We women manage to do many things at the same time. Men, no. Men do one thing at a time.

Mistakes in life teach you how to succeed because you want to try again and do it better.

Some people take fashion very seriously....but that’s not right... Fashion should be fun!

When you work in fashion, you need to work as a team. You cannot do anything on your own.

I always let other people describe me because if I describe myself you will not understand.

A man has to have sensibility, wit, mystery, tolerance, and strength... Romance also helps.

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