I have no screen ambitions whatsoever.

I was raised with a sense of duty, obedience and guilt.

Since I had been little, everybody wanted me to get married.

It wouldn't bother me at all if I weren't Princess Caroline of Monaco.

Maybe when I get married and have children, I will arouse less interest.

I prefer to be at home with my husband and children than attacked by photographers.

There are two words I hate and despise and don't want to hear: red carpet and iconic.

If it was up to me I would wear riding clothes most of the day or jeans and a man's shirt.

Just because I go out with a boy doesn't mean I plan to marry. I go out with a lot of boys.

The days when a princess was too delicate to sleep on a mattress with a pea under it are long gone.

I'm just the sister of the future Prince, and my children come first. I work my schedule around them.

For my brother and I, Maureen was a key figure in our life. When we were little, we were probably closer to our nanny than to our parents.

I grew up in a uniform at school, and I sort of wish that I still had one and made to dress certain ways. My mother used to pick my clothes, I had hand-me-downs and things from her.

I like pop music, especially Crosby, Nash, Stills and Young, Stevie Wonder and Paul Simon - he's broken up with Art Garfunkel hasn't he? - but I can't study while pop music is playing.

I never saw my mother in jeans, even in the country. She had one pair, which I have, but she never wore them. They were from 'Rear Window,' in the end when she's wearing jeans and loafers and a shirt. They were comfortable things that zip at the back, with really tight little pleats. They're very dark, they're not proper denim.

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