Well, I'm certainly not Ragnor Fell the exotic dancer.

Here's a hot tip: Most girls don't like being stalked.

What do you want?" "Just coffee. Black - like my soul.

You're an idiot." "I've never claimed to be otherwise.

Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop

You couldn't change the past. You could only go forward

Don't you hate it? Not ever saying how you really feel?

What would demons," she said, "want with our microwave?

I take your hand, brother, so that you may go in peace.

Jace is in love with the idea of dying,” said Isabelle.

I'm the one who's always been there for you... not him!

Kill me, little sister. Kill me and you kill Jace, too.

Concerned about my safety, are you? -William Herondale.

Your place is with me. It always will be. -Jem Carstairs

If the marriage were valid, she'd be your sister-in-law.

How could you be heartbroken and happy at the same time?

Enormous? Did you just call me FAT? I am not fat. - Jace

It's always better to live the truth than to live a lie.

He could smell her morality, the sweet rot of corruption

It could have been the whole thing where you stabbed him.

Sarcasm is the last refuge of the imaginatively bankrupt.

Perhaps [James Herondale] loved vice for vice's own sake.

Magic or nature, they were much the same thing to Magnus.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you smell like Magnus.

Sometimes," said Will, "they're even supposed to blow up.

If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?

How generous the universe could be, when he wanted to be!

I care about you," Simon said. "I always cared about you.

What he needs now is to love and have that love returned.

God knows we’re all drawn to what’s beautiful and broken.

You can tell me to stop any time you want, but you won't.

wanting what you could not have led to misery and madness

I don't suppose it would be possible to, er, step on him?

I'm not sure there's such thing a thing as a normal life.

Clary found herself wondering if the forsaken were edible.

It is a very strange thing, to be in love. It changes you.

He loved her enough to know she was better off without him

To my son, If you are reading this letter, then I am dead.

My hair is naturally blonde... Just for the record. ~ Jace

If one could look this fabulous, one had an obligation to.

The light that burned twice as bright burned half as long.

Seeing through glamour is easy. It's people that are hard.

Declarations of love amuse me. Especially when unrequited.

Hate is nothing when weighed against survival. (Valentine)

I am a demon hunter. Clearly, I am not afraid of the dark.

Sometimes.. Love just ain't enough- Luke Garroway to Clary

But you hate poetry! Yes, but you make me want to write it.

As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.

He is bound to you,” said the Queen. “But does he love you?

I am a badass, and I recognize that you, too, are a badass.

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