The hot tub is my best friend.

I want to portray myself as myself.

To be honest, retirement has been good.

Fifty career picks is a huge deal for me.

I love the game. You never get rid of that.

I've got that aggressive, winning attitude.

I've been through my fair share of injuries.

Practice, training camps to me are fairly easy.

Eric Turner; man, that was my man a hundred grand.

I've been to the top. I've also been at the bottom.

I had the broken collarbone twice, but collarbones heal.

There's always going to be love between me and Green Bay.

You can't say Charles doesn't know what he's talking about.

Would it be great to intercept Peyton? No question about it.

I think as long as you're authentic, people will relate to that.

When you play trying to avoid injuries, that's when you get hurt.

I'm a firm believer in that you've got to strike the iron when it's hot.

I think it is rare that one player really hates another player on a team.

If a player hears me make a statement, I don't want them to be able to deny it.

The way people connected with wine intrigued me and I wanted to be a part of it.

We need more people like me who are real and aren't afraid to take a little criticism.

Nobody can determine what your life means or how much your valued. You are your value.

For both the wine business and in football, if you want longevity, you must work hard.

The wine business is intense. It's not just bottle it and sell it. It's really a process.

All lives matter when black lives matter and no lives are more important than black lives.

You know this is a great, great country that we live in to be able to play this great game.

Eric Turner, may he rest in peace. When I first got in the league he was just a friend to me.

The time that I spent out of camp, I made sure when I sat out that I was in tip-top condition.

I spent seven years in Green Bay. A lot of good times, a lot of great years. Got a lot accomplished.

If you can utilize a guy's talents and not let other parts of the game suffer, you've got a winning mix.

No one can do anything by themselves. Sometimes you may need help and sometimes you will be offering it.

Because my brother liked Michigan, I liked Michigan, and by the nature of that, I didn't like Ohio State.

When people still see me, even though I have been in Green Bay and Oakland, they still talk about Michigan.

I was kind of wild. I enjoyed myself as a young man. I was moving 100 miles per hour - on and off the field.

I never intended on playing as long as I have, but this is the way it's happened and I'm so grateful for it.

We all know what Al Davis means to the NFL, what he means to the Oakland Raiders. He is the Oakland Raiders.

I'm negative-three yards in the rushing department. Nobody wants to go out with negative-three yards rushing.

The Raiders have been good to me, giving me a second chance to come back around and wear the silver and black.

For the Raiders, I'm always going to be ready and willing to go there and talk to those players about whatever.

I know I haven't been the greatest student, but I do intend to get my degree. Otherwise, my mother will kill me.

I've been injured where you can't play. But if I'm able to get up and move around, I'm not coming off the field.

I think when guys watch me play, I think that raises the level of other guys because of the way I play the game.

For a guy not to want to listen to a Jerry Rice, a Tim Brown, a Charlie Garner, doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

If you want to make a great wine that can stand the test of time, then you must put the time and the work into it.

I try to not to step on any coach's toes as far as what I'm telling the young guys or what I'm trying to give them.

There'll be some opportunities for other things post-playing, but it's like, 'Man, I don't want to give this gig up.'

You can't talk about the NFL without the Raiders, the three Super Bowl championships, what Al Davis meant to the league.

When I look at the way I was able to play in my 17th year, I feel like I earned the right to play in the NFL for another one.

Green Bay is a blue-collar community, and it's all about the Packers. I was able to go there, slow down and focus on the game.

You have to go through a lot of trials and tribulations as a player to be able to grow and learn from 'em and to become better.

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