Determination gets you a long way.

I'm definitely voting for First Gentleman.

Fried chicken is my husband's favorite food.

I always knew I was the center of my parents.

My most important identity now is as a mother.

I certainly feel a strong call of public service.

I know I'm late, but I've finally joined Facebook!

Celebrate those who have the courage to be second.

You'd better talk to my dad. My mom's pretty busy.

I have never thought of my life as being an enigma.

I am so proud and grateful to be my mom's daughter.

I hope to become a better teacher. I love teaching.

When I was born, my father was governor of Arkansas.

I'm a big health-food freak and a vegetarian devotee.

Patience is a virtue, but impatience gets things done.

I'm a big believer in listening to my body's cravings.

I was always deeply aware that I was living in history.

Of course [I'm a feminist]. And everyone I know is a feminist.

My parents were very firm about me always getting my homework done.

Intellectually, I loved my job, but I didn't get any meaning from it.

I unapologetically and unabashedly am deeply biased toward my mother.

I hadn't planned on or expected to have a public dimension in my life.

I do really well in the traditional board games: Backgammon, Checkers.

I'm sorry, I don't talk to the press. Even though I think you're cute.

We have to do whatever we can to ensure that no child dies of diarrhea.

Every day at some point I encounter some sort of anti-American feeling.

Service is an opportunity for young women to really empower themselves.

For most of my life, I deliberately led a private life in the public eye.

It is frustrating, because who wants to grow up and follow their parents?

I definitely taught my parents how to text and how to charge their phones.

My mother is very good in Scrabble. In Boggle, my father is probably better.

When people say crazy stuff about me or my family, I don't take it seriously.

I love the right words. I think economy and precision of language are important.

I believe that engaging in the political process is part of being a good person.

I hope to make a positive, productive contribution, as cheesy as that may sound.

We need Hollywood to make movies and television shows about sexy female engineers.

A tin roof is one of the greatest indicators of prosperity in the developing world.

Role models really matter. It's hard to imagine yourself as something you don't see.

He has always provided me a safe place to land and a hard place from which to launch.

My grandmother was determined that everyone feel a sense of optimism and opportunity.

I'm really grateful I grew up in a house in which media literacy was a survival skill.

I live in a city and a state and a country where I support my elected representatives.

People recognize me. Most people are really nice. Sometimes people say, 'Hi, Chelsea.'

I really believe that with a little bit of information, kids can make a big difference.

I have voted in every election that I have been qualified to vote in since I turned 18.

I was working full-time and going to school at night and on the weekends. It was just crazy.

I just hope I will be as good a mom to my child and, hopefully, children as my mom was to me.

I have a boyfriend and a dog, and I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up.

For most of my life, I did deliberately lead a private life and inadvertently led a public life.

My parents and my grandmother inspire me every day and, every day, in my work and personal life.

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