I'm allergic to stupidity.

Cast parties are a lot of fun!

I grew up doing musical theater.

The higher the hair, the closer to god.

I'm really not good blackmail material.

I can sing and dance. I can smile - a lot.

My life is an awkward visit from the kids table.

I do all kind of fun things when I'm unconscious.

There's nothing more terrifying then a teenage girl.

My imaginary friends have become my imaginary children.

To Grandma: Once upon a time, there was a boy who flew.

A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told.

I could never rap, personally. I can't even wrap presents.

I’ve tried being other people and myself suits me the best.

Villains are mostly just people villainized by circumstance

If you truly own who you are, no one can use you against you.

Courage is one thing that no one can ever take away from you.

Not taking yourself too seriously, that's the important thing.

I was a lone duck in a swan-filled pond who criticized everyone.

I feel like little bits of my soul are being shipped domestically.

I do better singing female songs because my voice is so high-pitched.

That’s my biggest fear – disappointing those people who look up to me.

I don’t think I have the right parts to appreciate '50 Shades of Grey'.

I'm horrible at auditions anyway. Maybe that's why I never got anything.

There's no solution to life, there's going to be problems no matter what.

Every driven person comes from a mountain of pain they wish to keep hidden.

I almost shat my pants. Literally, the floor was almost covered in my shat.

I love bookstores. I love the energy in a bookstore and the smell of the paper.

People are not born heroes or villains; they’re created by the people around them.

I was made fun of a lot in high school because of the way I sound and the way I was.

I don't personally feel a responsibility to be a role model, but as the actor, I do.

Right now, we're living in an ugly chapter of our lives, but books always get better!

Once the world has made a decision, there is little anyone can do to change its mind.

A voice that was never wanted has become a voice for so many people who don’t have one.

Woo! It's so cold, I think we may be twin sisters now," he said through rattling teeth.

You can't shy away from your greatness just because you're afraid you're not great enough

My life is an awkward visit from the kid's table while awaiting a History Channel special.

You don’t get to pick where you’re from, but you always have control of where you’re going.

A flame may love a snowflake, but they can never be together without each harming the other.

I've been pushed down many flights of stairs in my time, but I always manage to find an elevator

To be famous is to stand on a pedestal and give the world permission to tell you all your flaws.

There are ways to meet people and surround yourself with like-minded people who will support you.

Due to personal issues, I have been let go from the cast of Glee. Explanations will come shortly.

I've learned that the more people embrace their disadvantages, the less disadvantaged they become!

I don't necessarily consider myself a virgin, probably because I have such a penetrating personality

I can act... I do a little writing as well. And I'm good at typing. I'm a creative typist, actually.

But one of the big lessons I have learned from my journey is you can’t please everyone, so don’t try.

When one thing takes another away, what do we call that?” she asked my class. “Homicide!” I called out

I just downloaded the new Alvin and the Chipmunks album! They're the only guys that make music in my key!

I think always staying focused and not taking things too seriously, but taking the important things seriously.

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