Charlotte's great.

Preparation is key.

I'm always competing.

I never took anything for granted.

Never gave pro lacrosse a thought.

Playing quarterback is hard enough.

I've done a barre class before. I swear.

During the season, nutrition is so huge.

I didn't think I'd be starting a NFL game.

I'm not sure I'm the prototypical Patriot.

Professional lacrosse isn't very lucrative.

Wayne Chrebet, obviously, I love watching him play.

DoMode' is get out here and do your job and do work.

Winning football games is why we're in this business.

I always thought that I could play football at the college level.

I don't like to take a lot of time off. It's really not in my DNA.

You know, I don't ever - I don't really compare myself to receivers.

Any time you see your quarterback hurt, your heart drops for a second.

I know my wife works just as hard as me if not harder to have a career.

Every single year I was on the block - could be cut, could be released.

I think the Patriot Way definitely makes its way into the Hogan household.

Arrival at a new destination only occurs from leaving your current location.

I've had a lot of bumps in the road, but I kept my head down and kept working.

I think there's a ton of carryover with the two sports, lacrosse and football.

Being an adult is the ability to postpone a want for the sake of a family need.

I mean, I don't think a lot of people know this, but I played corner in college.

It's tough to put that in perspective, playing in back-to-back-to-back Super Bowls.

I can control my effort, how hard I work and taking advantage of the opportunities.

When it came down to it, I felt Penn State was an amazing school. I loved the campus.

I know what I need to do to make myself and make my legs, most importantly, feel good.

I was a soccer player, but everyone said I was too physical so I moved over to football.

In baseball I was very singularly focused. If I was pitching it was me versus the hitter.

Playing all these different sports, you learn so much from the people you get coached by.

The locker room I don't think is a huge place for guys to really, you know, talk politics.

You never take a single day in this league for granted because it can be over in a second.

Great leaders focus on equipping their team. It is unfair to expect what you did not equip.

My goal was to be a good player in this league. Got my butt up out of bed and got to the gym.

Somebody somewhere is waiting on you to become what you were destined to be. Keep growing forward!

The Bills gave me my first opportunity. In my mind, I'll be forever grateful for that organization.

I would say I am one of those guys who teams are looking for a reason to get rid of most of the time.

Lacrosse has a special place in my heart after starting my career as a lacrosse player at Penn State.

It's been a long road. I've been cut, I've been all over the place, but my mentality has never changed.

The air in Foxborough is just a little different. Like, Special things happen here. Winning happens here.

Your retirement is an opportunity to live out your dreams and take care of your family. Don’t leave it to chance.

As a football player, as an athlete, as a competitor, that dream of playing the Super Bowl... I was never going to lose that.

I think everyone's goal at the beginning of the year is to get to this time, to get an opportunity to play in the Super Bowl.

I started when I was in sixth grade, playing Pop Warner. I played running back, quarterback, cornerback... all over the place.

Penn State was an awesome school. When I went and visited there, I was like 'Alright, I want to spend four years of college here.'

When you have a dream and you believe in yourself and you have people believe in you, you just do whatever it takes to try to achieve that.

I think I do a pretty good job of not letting things distract me from what I want to do and what I want to accomplish as a football player.

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