Real woman should be capricious.

Deep in every heart slumbers a dream

My dream is to save them from nature.

My dream is to save women from nature.

There is certainly a red for everyone.

Make me a fragrance that smells like love

If you have hooked legs, wear big decolte.

The rich live the same all over the world.

No elegant woman follows fashion slavishly.

Without foundation, there can be no fashion.

The only queen I ever dressed was Eva Perón.

Without foundations, there can be no fashion.

My dream? To make women happier and more beautiful.

Without proper foundations, there can be no fashion.

White is pure and simple and matches with everything.

The tones of gray, pale turquoise and pink will prevail.

I create so that each and every woman is the most beautiful

A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting.

You can never really go wrong if you take nature as an example

You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes.

You can never really go wrong if you take nature as an example.

Midnight blue is the only color that can ever compete with black.

It is not money that makes you well dressed: it is understanding.

Individuality will always be one of the conditions of real elegance

All I required to be happy was friendship and people I could admire.

Perfume is a mark of female identity and the final touch of her style

No fashion is ever a success unless it is used as a form of seduction.

Real elegance is everywhere, especially in the things that don't show.

Black and white might be sufficient. But why deprive yourself of color.

After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world.

It is unforgiveable to do what one doesn't love especially if one succeeds.

Perfume is a note of woman's individuality. It is the last touch to her look.

A country, a style or an epoch are interesting only for the idea behind them.

Long after one has forgotten what a woman wore, the memory of her perfume lingers.

Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.

The less you can afford for your frocks, the more care you must take with your accessories

Deep in every heart slumbers a dream and the couturier knows it: every woman is a princess

By being natural and sincere, one often can create revolutions without having sought them.

Deep in every heart slumbers a dream, and the couturier knows it: every woman is a princess.

The detail is as important as the essential is. When it is inadequate, it destroys the whole outfit.

In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the human, the personal, the inimitable.

Perfume is the indispensable complement to the personality of women, the finishing touch on a dress.

A dress is a piece of ephemeral architecture, designed to enhance the proportions of the female body.

Every bite you eat stays in mouth for two minutes, for two hours in stomach and for two month on hips.

Simplicity, good taste and grooming are the three fundamentals of good dressing and these do not cost money.

On vacation, you can wear all the colorful and casual clothing that you like, but you must always be elegant.

There is no such thing as an ugly woman - there are only the ones who do not know how to make themselves attractive.

Finally, everything that has been part of my life, whether I wanted it to or not, has expressed itself in my dresses.

Women, with their sure instincts, realized that my intention was to make them not just more beautiful but also happier.

My weakness ... is architecture. I think of my work as ephemeral architecture, dedicated to the beauty of the female body.

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