I only do what I like to do.

Stephen Sondheim I am in awe of.

If the shoe fits, you must wear it.

I'm very bad with improvisation. I hate it.

I don't like to read novelizations of movies.

My agent is the quickest, sharpest man on earth.

I'm open to working anywhere, but not on anything.

There is one thing I do miss in L.A. I love autumn.

I'm trying to be very aware of not repeating myself.

I have always been so interested in film as a medium.

You're always being cast for what you've been in last.

'The Philadelphia Story' is one of my favorite movies.

You know, I don't support esoteric approaches to acting.

I'm not really all that familiar with comic book culture.

I’m not really all that familiar with comic book culture.

Ten flashing lights are a nuisance but 500 are fantastic.

There is no such thing as pure art. It's a bourgeois conceit.

As a motivation in itself, celebrity is foolhardy and stupid.

Cary Grant is really the master of not taking himself so seriously.

You get hit over the knuckles enough, you don't stick them out anymore.

I think in Europe, movies are made like a commodity and then sold as art.

Mine is studying script and being very academic and trying to be important.

Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing.

You need the villain. If you don't have a villain, the good guy can stay home.

It took me a lot of times watching it that I started to appreciate 'Pulp Fiction.'

I used to hate exposure situations. What is generally referred to as 'red carpet.'

It bothers me that people who should know better believe a glossy magazine fantasy.

One does not contradict the other.Straight-faced is the basis of all decent comedy.

Well, you need the villain. If you don't have a villain, the good guy can stay home.

It's easy to not feel misplaced if this tidal wave of appreciation is coming your way.

When a new book comes out or becomes accessible in whatever form, I get it and I read it.

I take praise as not just a reward and a result but also as the beginning of a new process.

I'm not into weapons. I'm not into cars. I'm not into explosions. I'm scared of all of that.

It's the economics, that's why opera is not dying but gets more and more difficult to put on.

Europeans still believe that working is for living. Americans often have that the other way around.

By looking into more details of American history, we can make more sense of what's happening today.

I think Stephen Sondheim is a - and I hardly ever use this word - but this is as close as it gets to a genius.

Becoming an actor is like becoming a father. It's not hard to become one. Making a life of it is the challenge.

The thing about 'Spectre' is that it is not the work of hack writers. It does not have a hack director. The actors are not hams.

I am almost neurotically private myself. Because I think it's an important distinction to make between privacy and public sphere.

I go with the most interesting thing that comes my way,I don't expect it to come from India to tell you the truth, but if it did, fine by me.

You can't always do the extraordinary, in between you have to do the ordinary. Because if you didn't, what would constitute the extraordinary?

I wouldn't really, realistically speaking, know the difference between wearing an S.S. uniform and a U.S. Marine uniform. To me it's all a uniform.

What I liked so much while shooting [a movie], I might not like anymore when I see it or vice versa. The two are connected but not on a causal level.

The bohemian artist who exists only for his art, it's a myth. OK, it might have been true for Giacometti, but it certainly wasn't for Picasso or Mozart.

For a while, I couldn't decide whether or not I should pursue singing in the opera or acting. And I'm glad that I chose the latter because I wasn't a very good singer.

The fact that Facebook presents facial recognition programmes as a desirable development, well, that in itself is a decisive step toward fascism, as far as I'm concerned.

I worked next to an elephant. And considering that she could step on your toes, it's a good idea to keep a certain distance. It's also a good idea to befriend the trainer.

It would be completely laughable if I claimed I was always motivated by the pure craft of acting and that recognition doesn't play a part. Of course it does - that's human nature.

I guess there are no real strict rules [in comedy], but I just learn to apply my philosophy about comedy which is, it's a serious business and the result needs to be funny, not the process.

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