I love golf. I love every part of it.

I've believed in myself since day one.

I do look at leader boards. I want to know where I'm at.

I learned a lot about the prep Monday through Wednesday with my coach.

I think anytime any record is compared to Tiger, it's always going to be good.

But if an iron doesn't work, or if it doesn't feel good, I will switch it out.

I was huge on basketball and baseball. I love sports. I'm an L.A. guy. I love the Lakers and Dodgers.

You look at all other sports, basketball, you think basketball, they're always looking at their target.

The majors are going to be circled in, just like everyone else, but I've got to focus on every single week.

I love to hit my little five- to 10-yard cut, and that's what I try to do. And I think that's kind of been my game.

I'm trying to win every single week. I'm not trying to come out and just win the majors. I'm 23. This is my first full year.

When you step foot into your first professional tournament, everything you've done in your amateur career really doesn't matter any more.

To be out here on the PGA Tour, especially during the summer, is a dream come true. I'm just trying to get to know a lot of the guys out here.

For me, I like messing around with different shapes and things but I think what I've come to realize is I need a putter that just sits nicely in my hands.

I actually used TaylorMade in college. And I've been using TaylorMade since I've been about 14 years old when I really started playing as a junior in events.

For me, it's the 5- to 7-yard cut with any club. I can choke down on it a little bit, hit it different heights, but that's the shot I'm always going to go to.

I think it helps to know where you're at. I don't want to be coming down 18 knowing I need to make par, and trying to force a birdie or doing something stupid.

I think I've always used a lower-lofted 3-wood, and I've been able to get the ball up. And, for me, I love having the versatility of it in the fairway, as well as off the tee.

We actually flattened my putter 1.5 degrees. I have a long-neck putter and it was weird because they flattened it, but it got my hands more vertical and into the position I wanted them to be in.

It's got to feel good off the face, it's got to look good from on top of the ball. And then, obviously, it's got to perform. But in those iron testings, obviously, I'm just trying to hit the best shots I can.

I think one of the hardest times was when I almost won a Web.com tour event in 2016 after my freshman year. I lost in a playoff to Ollie Schniederjans and J.J. Spaun. I mean, who knows what could've happened if I'd won?

And I think before I was so focused on speed or I was so focused on trying to hit this great putt that I just wasn't reacting to what I was doing. I react when I hit an iron shot, why can't I do that when I'm over the putter?

I think, obviously, there's a bunch of technology with TrackMan, and all of the different launch monitors, that help tell you what is best. But, for me, it's a lot about what is going to come out from that initial window of hitting that ball.

But, at the end of the day, the things that I already have in my bag, all the TaylorMade clubs, and everything that I know TaylorMade does with their new clubs, and every single year, with the innovation, it's just something I want to be a part of.

I thought of Jordan Spieth when I was putting, when he used to look at his target, he was reacting. That's all he does. He takes a couple quick looks, if you look at his pre-shot routine, a couple quick looks, doesn't stand over it too long, but he's committed and he just reacts to the target.

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