And the people I'm best friends with on the films are not generally the actors.

I've been working since I was 9, and I've never known a life without a film set.

I'm not a religious person. My mom was of Jewish blood and my dad was Protestant.

I'm quite confident, but I don't fancy myself. I don't really care about how I look.

I think I tried to steal a Mars bar once from a shop but then I went and put it back.

I’m an atheist, and a militant atheist when religion starts impacting on legislation.

The thought of dancing scared me. A lot. Because I have absolutely no aptitude for it.

I've learnt a lot about certain things but you also learn through your own experience.

I thought I was an actor playing a wizard. But really, I was a wizard playing an actor.

When you get as lucky as I got, you have to work as hard as possible to earn that luck.

It's interesting because people assume that because I'm famous I know all famous people.

I feel like my evolution has come to a place where now I'm attached to Crazy Rich Asians.

I think any actor worth their salt wants to show as much versatility as they possibly can.

One of the things that I cannot fathom is young actors who will not audition and won't read.

Being in Harry Potter is like being in the Mafia. Once you are in, you are never really out.

I used to be self conscious about my height, but then I thought, f*** that, I'm Harry Potter.

Every day I would come to set [of Swiss Army Man] going like, "How are we going to do this?".

I think that the process of making a film is an underrated factor in how that film turns out.

There's an incredible comfort level that I have on film sets because it's where I've grown up.

And well historically it's never been a good thing to compare yourself to biblical characters.

I met Elijah Wood once, I met Peter Jackson, I met Orlando Bloom, and they're all really cool.

Some people are asking me questions like this is a more shocking subject, which is so strange.

My parents were what I like to call proper musical fans. Lots of Sondheim was played in the car.

I think being on a film set for such a long time made me a technical actor without realizing it.

Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more, believing in yourself.

I take things in better when I'm allowed to talk, and respond, and engage and move around a bit.

I'm 5-foot-5, and I'll wear a big parka and put the hood up, and nobody gives me a second glance.

The nerds are the ones that make the films and do loads of other really cool stuff in their life.

I definitely think the idea of friend zone is just men going, 'This woman won't have sex with me.'

I still have issues around forgetting that it's my life and if I want to do something, I can do it.

I Google myself to see what come up when you Google Daniel Radcliffe because that's always amusing.

I think I'm a tiny bit like Harry 'cos I'd like to have an owl. Yeah, that's the tiny bit, actually.

I'm certainly lucky to have got famous through something that was so well liked, generally speaking.

I will never, ever do a film as successful as the Harry Potter series. But neither will anyone else.

I would like to initiate an initiative - the Broadway Annoying Audience Member Relocation Programme.

As an artist, you have a path that you're on that evolves with the kinds of stories you want to tell.

I was having a hard time at school, in terms of being crap at everything, with no discernible talent.

The Master and Margarita is my favorite. To me it’s the greatest exploration of the human imagination.

[I] take inspiration from kids. ... They're very honest in how they act and how they are in the world.

I would consider doing any part as long as the script is good and the film has an interesting director.

A friend often says I'm an old man in a young man's husk. I like that. I am old-fashioned in some ways.

I'm very interested in religion as something to study, but I'm not a religious person in the slightest.

There's no shame in enjoying a quiet life. And that's been the realization of the past few years for me.

Franchises aren't to be avoided. They can be exciting, and they give you opportunities to do other films.

Well, I think I’m a feminist, just by the virtue of the fact that I believe in equal rights for everyone.

I would love to work in America. I wouldn't love to live there, but I'd love to experience working there.

Go boldly and honestly through the world. Learn to love the fact that there is nobody else quite like you.

I played bass for a year, but I wasn't getting better at it, so I decided to stop so I could see my friends.

Fans are really important for me. And if they take pains to write me, it's the minimum that I answer myself.

You pick projects for the part, the director, and the script. I just want to do different, interesting stuff.

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