I forgive everyone in my life.

If you are happy, you are a geezer.

It's always difficult to win matches.

My dream was always to play for Brazil.

My respect for Chelsea will be forever.

I can wake up crazy or normal; it depends.

The collective comes before the individual.

I've been to Madame Tussaud's. Three times.

You cannot hide yourself from any situation.

If you want me to be honest, be honest with me.

It's always a battle to play against Diego Costa.

I'm working hard since the beginning of my career.

Nobody likes to lose a Champions League semi-final.

Barca are a great team that play fantastic football.

I think it was genetic: my legs were born like this.

I'm looking forward to playing my first match for Paris.

The foundation is in place, and now we have to get to work.

Sometimes it is best to burn paintings that just don't burn.

Strikers never lose games... we have to be honest and say that.

I am most comfortable in the centre but can play on the side, also.

An ego should be like a warm breeze, never seen, just mildly sensed.

I think I always have to feel fresh start, because I am getting old!

To put your team in the top level of the Champions League is special.

Scolari is a fantastic coach, a fantastic man, and he is so transparent.

Everything in life belongs to God. Our purpose has already been mapped out.

Twenty years ago the computer was a babbling box. Now it is a boasting beast.

History reveals that left-brain people have been creating art for a long time now.

This is football, so you need to be clever to understand the moment and win games.

I am not against freedom of speech, and I recognise the value of fair publication.

Everybody knows the Premier League is so difficult, we have to think step by step.

Communication is always important, but it's a separate type of language in football.

I love Sarri's philosophy. We play high, with a lot of possession in a technical way.

Every league game is like the World Cup. The passion... intense, the desire for points.

By creating instinctively in auto mode we can uncover our true motives, our creative drive.

When you live through new experiences and new situations in your life, that's when you grow.

I want just to show people good things - football is beautiful when you play games like that.

Sometimes when the strikers don't score, the pressure starts on them. They love to score goals.

I am delighted to be joining a big English club. I know very well the quality that Chelsea has.

I just wanted to see my people smile. Brazillian people suffer so much. I just wanted them to smile

Winning the Premier League is never easy. Whether you're at home or away, the games are always tough.

I think that the path of my career can pass through the United States. I love the style of life here.

I like to have fun, but there are moments you need to show yourself, and that, for me, is on the pitch.

I think everybody is born pure. You never go to the maternity ward and hold a baby that has bad energy.

The strikers are the first defenders. And the first defender is the first striker to build from the back.

I have a tremendous respect to all French Federation of Football football teams, players, and supporters.

Mano Menezes is a fantastic coach, but Scolari is a fantastic coach, too, as well as being more experienced.

I had the opportunity to play in many fantastic squads. I won with great teams but also lost with great teams.

If you don't take risks in your life, you never feel something new, so I taste something new, and I like that.

I'm a lucky guy because I always play for a big club, and big clubs always try to win titles, and I love that.

When I was youn,g I always saw Brazil winning games on television with fantastic players and a fantastic team.

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