Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through ...

Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears

I want to be fearless.

Be proud of who you are.

I believe in gender equality.

I feel healthy, I feel happy.

Rocker dudes dont have swagger

Tired of being unhappy? Fix it.

Find your purpose, find your voice.

Always remember, you are beautiful.

I want my music to do the explaining.

I’m not perfect and I don’t have to be.

Insecurity kills all that is beautiful.

Hearts can break and never make a sound.

You're beautifully and wonderfully made.

It's OK to love your body the way it is.

You are worth more than harming yourself

Rocker dudes don't have a lot of swagger.

One day you'll be an inspiration at others.

You have to stay strong when it gets tough.

Every single day is a battle to stay strong.

It's okay to not be superwoman all the time.

Never call a girl fat, even if you're joking.

Music is what I love to do; it's in my veins.

Focusing on food and exercise changed my life.

Love is louder then the pressure to be perfect.

NO one deserves anything less than being loved.

Our love is like a song but you won't sing along.

Love yourself for who you are and just keep going.

Don't judge me. You know my name, but not my story.

You can't love other people until you love yourself.

An impact is like a punch it may hurt put it passes.

Sometimes I think, 'Why couldn't I have been normal?

Being a celebrity can be dangerous. Nobody says 'no.'

The mirror can lie. It doesn’t show you what’s inside.

All that matters is that you keep going no matter what

I think that women who know who they are are beautiful.

never would have said forever if i knew it wouldnt last

Be grateful for your journey because it is yours alone.

You know you've made it when you can dye your hair blue.

If you took away music, I wouldnt have a reason to live.

Expectations are just disappointments waiting to happen.

You don't have to be a drug addict to care for your mind.

I was compulsively overeating when I was eight years old.

One of the greatest joys in life is watching a child laugh

It's amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile.

Do what makes you happy, and don't care what others think.

To be someone's inspiration is the biggest goal in my life.

I still had a normal childhood with my friends from school.

Learn from the past and share your experiences with others.

Creativity is what helps me escape a lot of my inner demons.

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