Not everyone wants to be happy

I prefer clarity over agreement

Happiness is a moral obligation

Secularism produces a bored soul

It is a lie that America is racist

You owe others a happy disposition

You're 'wealthy' if you don't worry

Repetition is the mother of pedagogy

An unhappy life is a life not lived.

Utopian movements produce dystopias.

The easily embarrassed doesn't learn

Lies and victimhood make evil possible

The Left is totalitarian in its nature

Liberalism means well, but it destroys

There is no happiness that isn't earned

Lying to the Left is like water to fish

The Left corrupts everything it touches

Big government squashes the human spirit

Courage is the rarest of all good traits

Finding patterns is the essence of wisdom

If pain were water, the world would drown

The Libertarian Party is a shameful party

The Left needs causes like fish need water

The '60s redefined narcissism as idealism.

Happiness is impossible without gratitude.

Choosing to be grateful earns you happiness

The biggest battle in life is with yourself

Those who don't hate evil hate those who do

When America doesn't act, bad things happen

"I am bored" generally means "I am boring."

For the Left, affluence is won, not earned.

Leftism and narcissism are almost synonymous

Socialism values equality more than liberty.

The bigger the State, the smaller the citizen

It is a world of lies that permeates the Left

The more we complain, the more unhappy we get

First tell the truth, then give your opinion.

The love of freedom is actually an aberration.

The further left you go, the meaner the spirit

The entire European Union is a left-wing dream

Those of you who love the Lord should hate evil

Badmouthing your ex-spouse rips the child apart

Universities are seminaries to produce Leftists

Chechnya is a pressure cooker of Islamist anger

If you're morally clear you are not on the Left

Has feminism increased the pool of happy women?

The more passions you have the happier you'll be

The god of compassion is NOT the god of justice.

Expectations can ruin your chances for happiness

Only a fool can believe people are basically good

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