Those who do not confront evil resent those who do.

I believe that free money is as addictive as cocaine

If the United States doesn't lead then evil triumphs

The bigger the government, the greater the corruption

The great are not famous, and the famous are not great

But if there is a just God, there is ultimate justice.

There's a lot more power in calm than in vituperation.

Life is too short not to enjoy as much of it as you can

When emotions dominate, maturity and wisdom deteriorate

Happiness is not so much a feeling as it is an attitude

If you really do hate evil, you can't hate anything else

Climate change is the mother of all hysterias of the Left

The only thing socialists produce is debt and self-esteem

If you inflict your unhappiness onto others, it is sinful

The more things that can bring you joy in life, the better

The rarest of the good qualities in human beings is courage

The worldview of the Left is a battle between rich and poor

We conservatives fight evil; the Left fights carbon emissions

Tell me of a right wing-induced hysteria of the last 50 years

Self-control is the only possible road to character development

Liberals don't ask 'Does it work?' They ask 'Does it equalize?'

The Obama administration will never say 'radical Islam.' Never.

Taking responsibility for your own life is not a Left wing idea

We have a moral obligation to act happy even if we don't feel it

Does the unborn human fetus have at any point the right to live?

More people have done good in the name of God than any other way

It is no longer higher education, it is higher 'indoctrination '

Doing well is a conservative idea; meaning well is a liberal idea

Grateful people are good people, and good people are happy people

Maximize that which gives you joy: friends, hobbies, religion, etc

The welfare state may be well-intentioned, but it is a Ponzi scheme

Where are the vehicles to character development in secular society?

Most young people have tremendous respect for older people's views.

Citizens of liberal welfare states become increasingly narcissistic

The United States is the single greatest force for good in the world

The vote, punishment... these ideas are anathema to the liberal mind

A bad mood is like bad breath. Both are wrong to inflict onto others

American is deteriorating because it is becoming like other countries

The Left is not interested in prosperity, it is interested in equality

Governments grow as God declines, in both Europe and the United States

I don't judge people by their theology, I judge them by their behavior

It is easier to take a position in the abstract than when it hits home.

Nothing enables people to do evil as much as does a sense of victimhood

The Left has always been anti-religious, and especially anti-Christian.

The Left neither cares about prosperity nor jobs. It cares about equality

Want to raise children who will be happy adults? Teach them not to whine.

You have a choice in life very often whether you do good or you feel good.

Without God and religion you don't have moral truth, you have moral opinion

Hillary Clinton wanted to hide what she was doing so that there was no trail

Leftism hides under an intellectual veneer, but underneath it is all emotion

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