I try not to be overly analytical.

It's wonderful being the underdog.

You can't get work without working.

A lot can change in the editing room.

More yoga in the world is what we need.

I like someone who's suffered from both sides.

Self-respect is a commodity worth cleaving to.

Playing dead is difficult with a full bladder.

The industry's memory is quite short, it's true.

It's always refreshing to step into another time.

I had a hard time calling Laurence Oliver 'Larry.'

But I do love horses. They are such an expression of joy.

I think that anybody that smiles automatically looks better.

Blessings come in disguise. And challenges can be a blessing.

I have just enough attention to feel glamorous and important.

I was the only kid in Manhattan I knew whose parents had a car.

I know I've made the right decision when I've followed my heart.

You can only be a virgin once. There can only be one first time.

I think I'd be in an entirely different business if it were easy.

Independent films have a very different cachet than success films.

For me, going away to work is the hardest part of my life and career.

I'm not a bad parent and partner, even if I make a thousand mistakes.

I wish I could always look like I've just finished a really good laugh.

In five years, I had done 13 films, which I think broke Elvis's record.

Catholics have guilt and Jews have guilt, fine. But mothers can trump them all.

When I was growing up in New York City, my father was a taxi driver for a time.

You'll never have any mental muscle if you don't have any heavy stuff to pick up.

My parents treated my like I had a brain - which, in turn, caused me to have one.

I never wished that I was a superstar. Hell, I never even wished that I was an actress.

I'm not really attracted to that long-term commitment to one character over many years.

I was raised by free-spirited people, though my father gave me a very strong work ethic.

I rehearsed 50. I kind of stared at it a long time. I wasn't going to let it terrify me.

Well, I can fake my way around some things, but I don't think I would be good at betting.

I don't have a game plan. I never did, and it's too late to have one even if I wanted to.

I've found there to be a tremendous amount of East Coast snobbery in the journalism world.

That's why they call it work, because it's not what you'd prefer to do with your free time.

Sometimes I think opposable thumbs were invented so teenage girls could use text messaging.

I'm done saying 'I'm sorry I wasn't who you needed or wanted me to be' to everybody in my life.

The potential hot tomato of today can turn into the cold pop tart of tomorrow, and I know that.

To me, there's no greater reward than being around people you care about and can be present with.

I don't really know how to relate to a long-term day-in day-out kind of comfortable relationship.

So now I'm left with cigarettes, and I'm trying to scrape that off my shoe and then I'll be done.

I love my work, but there is no price you can put on what you miss when you are away from your kids.

Things hurt me just as much as anyone else. My insecurities, failures. I'm vulnerable to comparisons.

My roles are in some way like children to me. You don't ever really want to scrape one off your shoe.

I've always been a daddy's girl, and that's served me well in life; most of my directors have been male.

I grew up watching Wonder Woman; I grew up watching Batman. I grew up watching George Reeves as Superman.

It's rare that you get to have a lovely time of it and you're not just portraying endless trauma on film.

I'm not actively avoiding television. I just haven't found the right fit yet, as it were. And that's O.K.

For me, I don't even like to promote my films but I have to because it's in the fine print of my contract.

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