I like cashew nuts.

I'm not built like a leading man.

I'm pretty lowbrow. It's a failing.

'Punch-Drunk Love' is my favorite movie.

The Coen brothers are amazing; they're special.

I find looking forward scary because you might die.

Conventionally handsome is not really where I'm at.

'Star Wars' is different to anything I've done before.

I'm not going to get better as an actor working on bad stuff.

I worked with the Coen brothers, which had been a dream of mine.

All the time travelling in the world can’t make someone love you.

I think I'm happiest when there are really talented people around.

The rom-com genre is not something that necessarily lights my jets.

I've got three brothers; I think all of them are good human beings.

The idea of having dreams that don't come true is really terrifying.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, time travel's a nightmare. Don't go down that path.

I tend to play 'tortured' a lot, whether it's physically or emotionally.

'Pale Fire' by Vladimir Nabokov was bloody hard work but really thrilling.

In 'Cavalry,' I had one scene where I was playing a pretty awful character.

People who don't listen make me annoyed. That's the normal stuff, isn't it?

It's weird to be very good at something and not necessarily to want to do it.

I like films that are gritty and hard-hitting and suspenseful. Thrillers, too.

I'm pleased to say I grew up in a happy family in Dublin. I feel we're very close.

Though rom-coms aren't necessarily my cup of tea, I was a huge fan of 'Notting Hill.'

It was when I was on stage that I realized that acting could be such a brilliant job.

When I was younger, my father told me not to pigeonhole the way that I perceive myself.

I think everybody's got their insecurities and hang-ups. Everybody! Unless you're an idiot.

No one can give me advice on 'Star Wars' because nobody knows what I'm doing in 'Star Wars.'

I'm that person in the bar who's like, "Can they turn the music down? I would like to chat."

I like Philip Larkin an awful lot; I really like his view on life, and I really connect to it.

My dad said, 'If no one was giving me acting work, I'd have to be prepared to create it myself.'

If there's one person in the world with whom a chemistry read is unnecessary, it's Rachel McAdams.

Angelina Jolie is just an extremely talented, generous, nice person to be around and to work with.

I'm hugely proud of being Irish. And I don't even know what that means. I just know that it's true.

I've been interested in the writing/directing thing and really fell into acting by complete accident.

My father is just getting better and better, and that speaks so well of the way he approaches the work.

I stand to learn more working as an actor with really talented people than I do by directing a feature.

Just because I'm doing 'Star Wars' doesn't mean that'll be the thing that makes people stop me in the street.

I got very lucky with 'Harry Potter.' I got that role because I'm a ginger! Red hair was my only qualification!

The Olympia was a really special place for me as a kid. I saw Dad perform there so many times, so it means a lot.

The only music I've ever written was for a film called Frank, and the idea was that it was the worst music in the world.

Normally, in a film with lots of twists and turns, half of them don't make sense; they're just there for their own sakes.

I did 'Never Let Me Go,' and there were amazing people on that. Brilliant writer, director, cast. That was quite special.

I'm certainly a young actor. I'm certainly those two things. Actually, I'm not even young anymore; I'm 29. So, I'm an actor.

When you work with actors, what you're hoping to absorb is good ways to be an actor as opposed to how to handle being famous.

We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.

My mum and my dad have really good taste in movies. My gran would tape them off the TV and write notes about them, rating them.

Portraying as human the people you hear about on the news doing bad things is dangerous. But it's also necessary and important.

Though rom-coms aren't necessarily my cup of tea, I was a huge fan of 'Notting Hill.' I laughed a lot, and the romance got to me.

I did like 'Star Wars' when I was a kid. I saw the prequels first; I didn't see the full original films first all the way through.

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