We grow small trying to be great.

God doesn't have any grandchildren.

Abundant living means abundant giving.

Life is supplied with a basic adequacy.

To live by worry is to live against reality

If we know how to pray, we know how to live.

The universe does not make sense without God.

You don't grow old. You get old by not growing.

Whatever we focus on determines what we become.

Nothing is ever really yours until you share it.

A reduced Christ is the same as a rejected Christ.

Grace makes you gracious. The Giver makes you give.

Prayer is aligning ourselves with the purposes of God.

When I met Christ, I felt that I had swallowed sunshine.

If you don't surrender to Christ, you surrender to chaos.

When you pray, you begin to feel the sense of being sent.

Christianity not only saves you from sin, but from cynicism.

Be victorious in the home, and you are victorious everywhere.

Being born in a Christian home does not make you a Christian.

If you don't make up your mind, your unmade mind will unmake you.

I have surrendered to God; therefore I surrender to nothing else.

Our actions are the results of our intentions and our intelligence.

Be so preoccupied with good will that you haven't room for ill will.

In the prayer time, the battle of the spiritual life is lost or won.

Everything that happens to me can help me along in my Christian life.

Worry and anxiety are sand in the machinery of life; faith is the oil.

Faith is not merely you holding on to God- it is God holding on to you

An hour spent in the presence of God brings the purest joy known to man.

Earth's blackest day and earth's brightest day are only three days apart.

Everybody who belongs to Christ belongs to everybody who belongs to Christ

When we can sing in the face of death, we can sing in the face of anything.

When the depths are upheld by the Holy Spirit, then the reaction is Christian.

Jesus will meet me today in the person of someone in need-I must not miss him.

Christ is everywhere and He is in me. What more do I want, except more of Him?

The one supreme business of life is to find God's plan for your life and live it

Your capacity to say "No" determines your capacity to say "Yes" to greater things.

Whatever our creed, we stand with admiration before the sublime character of Jesus.

A road that perhaps more than any other leads to self atrophy is undedicated money.

Suppose you should fail. Is that so terrible? Not to have tried is a worse failure.

A nail-pierced hand holds the sceptre of the universe, and my knees bend before him.

When man listens, God speaks; when man obeys, God acts; when man prays, God empowers.

When the Church listens to the Holy Spirit, it becomes fruitful. New movements are born.

Spiritual power comes out of inward fellowship with God and abandonment to his purposes.

I have only to be true to the highest I know - success or failure is in the hand of God.

We find, sooner or later, that in prayer we either abandon ourselves or we abandon prayer.

We must be willing to be guided of God, not merely now and then, but as a life proposition.

When we talk about what we believe we divide. When we talk about who we believe in we unite.

Where sin has abounded in me, Grace now much more abounds in me. I live by that 'much more.'

If you find something that gets hold of you in the Word, pass it on to somebody that very day.

Victorious living does not mean freedom from temptation, nor does it mean freedom from mistakes.

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