I'm a believer in air bags.

'The Venture Bros' are my jam.

So inane-I cause Colon Blow pain

I was obsessed with Philip K. Dick.

There's always stuff to rebel against.

I don't hate Jay-Z. I think he's dope.

Oh my god what am I doing with my life?

Def Jam is the reason why I started a label.

I strongly believe in the art form of the album.

You've got to recognize it when it's time to go.

We're not steadfast about not repeating mistakes.

I literally have a massive database of cat sounds.

I can't sit in the same place. I gotta keep going.

I really want to produce a record for Mary J. Blige.

I probably started trying to make beats at around 12.

Rap music deserves truth, and it deserves spontaneity.

I'm not that prolific in terms of making my own music.

It's pretty cool being 40 and having your blow-up moment.

Darkness does not truly have sway. I think that it's weak.

I think it's impossible for hip-hop to be a dying art form.

I'm a cat guy. I'm absolutely a cat guy. I grew up with cats.

I definitely grew up on Garfield. I just loved his pessimism.

I have a tendency to dip my foot in self-destructive behavior.

I had a year, where... I was secretly, 100 percent, dead broke.

I just don't believe in making music about making music anymore.

Why should I be sober when God is so clearly dusted out his mind?

When I'm not feeling something, I have a very hard time doing it.

Atheists are just as obnoxious if not more obnoxious than zealots.

We're fighting internal struggles, I am the cancer for my own cure.

As you get bigger, your staff gets bigger, and your costs get bigger.

With me, I'm going to have a label where no one is ever cheated, ever.

I tried to get Steven Seagal for my 'Stepfather Factory' video in 2002.

I'm trying to consciously evolve myself. I have no delusions of grandeur.

Change is a direct element of hip-hop. That's the whole thing with style.

I've never had a huge collection of records; I've never been a beat digga.

Just because I run an indie label doesn't mean I don't think Jay-Z is nice.

There's a responsibility as a musician to do the music that you want to hear.

Personally more so than shock, I think, rap music has to be born of rebellion.

Anything that gets to the more emotional and dark side of music, I always enjoy.

My whole mode is to do what I want to do and let people understand me through that.

I'm not really one of these people who's been known for particularly hopeful sentiments.

I wanted people to know that I was making what I was making just on a sampler, basically.

I think that people have been claiming hip-hop as being dead since the moment it started.

You put a piece of music out, and it's not in your hands anymore, and that's cool with me.

I really don't believe in going too far out of your way to hunt down somebody to do a song.

My favorite era of hip-hop was between '85-'89. That was the era that got me to love hip-hop.

I don't have any delusions of grandeur. I just want to make music that doesn't make me bored.

I reserve the right to think many different things and to change my mind and to even be wrong.

I've been approached by major labels every single year of my existence as an artist. Since 1996.

The name of a cat has to come from something that just occurs to you by interacting with the cat.

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