I'm a blue Powerade man myself.

I expect to get paid if I do something.

I actually barely ever go on the Internet.

The thrill of doing visual effects doesn't exist.

I get a sick joy out of bad reviews. I don't read good reviews.

In the pie chart of my brain growing up, there's a huge slice for 'Ghostbusters.'

I was the - my trendsetting moment was my bar mitzvah had the first, like, temporary tattoo guy.

'Lincoln' was OK; I thought it was a rock-solid eight out of 10, but it shouldn't win all the awards.

Everyone from Canada and from here contributed [to the Sausage Party] - it truly is, like, every market.

All my cousins are almost old enough to start seeing my movies. I'm going to have some 'splainin' to do.

Growing up in Vancouver, it's not like growing up in Middle America or the middle of Canada. It's a very movie town.

Im not an Internet person that reads behind-the-scenes stuff. I see a trailer, and if it looks good, then I go. Thats that.

I'm not an Internet person that reads behind-the-scenes stuff. I see a trailer, and if it looks good, then I go. That's that.

I dont fully understand my wifes emotions - and Im supposed to write an excellent female character and unravel the secret of women?

The theater remains relevant because of 3D. It makes it an event. You go there, 400 people put on their glasses, and it's just fun.

I don't fully understand my wife's emotions - and I'm supposed to write an excellent female character and unravel the secret of women?

Growing up in Vancouver, it's not like growing up, you know, in Middle America or the middle of Canada or something. It's a very movie town.

I got Twitter like two months ago, checked it out a bit more, and I concluded the only thing Twitter I'm interested in following is Nick Stoller.

'The Hangover' was, like, solid. I laughed a bit, you know. Seven out of 10, maybe. But I made it 32 minutes into 'Hangover 2' before I walked out.

I cant wait for them to convert old movies to 3D. I am 100% confident I want them to convert Terminator 2 to 3D more than I want anything in the world.

I can't wait for them to convert old movies to 3D. I am 100% confident I want them to convert 'Terminator 2' to 3D more than I want anything in the world.

The hardcore fanbase of nerds that live on the Internet are not nearly as powerful as I thought they were. They really, really aren't. They also flip-flop like mad.

There's a big song at the beginning [of Sausage Party], and that was really fun to do. It felt like we were living out a dream of being the South Park guys for a minute.

I just want to keep going for broke, making bigger and bigger things like 'Lord of the Rings' until they kick me out of Hollywood. I just want to do the biggest thing I can.

Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, to us, are some of the greatest films ever made, and each is better than the one before it. But if you go to Toy Story 6, they all end up decomposing in a trash heap somewhere.

I went to a Christian all-boys' college one time to pick up my buddies so we could go play baseball, and I just remember walking through the halls, and there's all these crucified Jesuses. It's scary.

I don't read good reviews. I like to know what percentages are going on. When Sony sends out something saying that people are liking the movie, I like to know that, but I don't actually sit and read the good stuff.

In America it's all, 'I'm gonna make something of myself, leave my tiny town and go to L.A!' Canadians are like, 'I'm gonna make something of myself, go to L.A., and then come right back again to hang out with my buddies!'

There's Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 1 and 2, and Ratatouille. It's super surreal. We've been working on this for eight years nonstop. Every week we've had a Sausage Party meeting, and now it won't be on our to-do list anymore. It's like the end of summer camp.

As a director, you can't stop a guy if he thinks something's hysterical, because if you do, then he'll get depressed because he thinks he didn't come up with a good joke. So if a guy's going on some run and it's killing him, and he thinks it's hilarious, you gotta do enough so that he thinks you can use it in the movie.

After the song [for sausage Party] was finally done, we didn't have enough time, but we thought it would be fun. It also would've thrown it off a bit, because we really are doing more of an homage to Pixar, and if we filled it with songs, it would've felt more like Disney. And we had an experience, while we were making it, that going too Disney made it too weird.

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