Men are irrelevant.

Food is the supremest of pleasures.

guilt to motherhood is like grapes to wine

I am an ordinary person, but carried to extremes.

Writing is an act of generosity toward other people.

Pride is what you can afford or think you can afford.

Ambition will, and should, always outstrip achievement.

There's no such thing as old age, there is only sorrow.

If you do nothing unexpected, nothing unexpected happens.

one learns best, and writes best, in a state of defiance.

People give us credit only for what we ourselves believe.

Be bold, but not too bold. Have courage, but not too much.

There was no such thing as defeat if you didn't accept it.

Because one cause is bad does not make the opposing cause good.

People hear what they want and expect to hear, not what is said.

Take me! Well, not quite take me, love me now, take me eventually

Poverty is a stubborn thing: you seldom escape it with one bound.

Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens.

by and large, nothing is as bad as you fear, or as good as you hope.

No one could be more happy than a man who has never known affliction.

I am not cynical. I am just old. I know what is going to happen next.

Ask any woman in an arranged marriage. Love is the least stressful way out.

One can learn, at least. One can go on learning until the day one is cut off.

How has anyone ever understood anyone, except through love, which is wordless?

I like sex. I've had feedback but men will feed you back anything, won't they?

A 'weakness,' I now realize, is nothing but a strength not properly developed.

memory is so selective; wishful thinking presses it into service all the time.

Beauty is the first present nature gives to women and the first it takes away.

The prophets of doom, in my experience, are generally ignored and usually right.

Never defend yourself; agree with your critics, it takes the wind out of their sails.

The peculiar need to write is increased, it seems, rather than allayed with practice.

If you put a woman in a man's position, she will be more efficient, but no more kind.

Prudence says one thing, desire says another, and I'd rather go with desire any time.

I didn't even know I was a feminist until I read it on the back of one of my own books.

What makes women happy? Nothing, for more than ten minutes at a time, so stop worrying.

Fiction stretches our sensibilities and our understanding, as mere information never can.

Fiction, on the whole, and if it is any good, tends to be a subversive element in society.

The greatest things are accomplished by individual people, not by committees or companies.

Much sheer effort goes into avoiding the truth; left to itself, it sweeps in like the tide.

If infinity is as they describe it, all things are not just possible but in the end certain.

Writers are always a great nuisance to publishers. If they could do without them, they would.

One sort of believes in recycling. But one believes in it as a kind of palliative to the gods.

Marriage is what happens when one at least of the partners doesn't want the other to get away.

There is no real escape from autobiography into biography. The self has to be faced, or we die.

Of course you have to believe in destiny; that everything is sheer chance is an intolerable notion.

I wonder if my shrink (sorry, psychiatrist) was a woman not a man I'd be in a better or worse state?

Words are not simple things: they take unto themselves, as they have through time, power and meaning.

Men are irrelevant. Women are happy or unhappy, fulfilled or unfulfilled, and it has nothing to do with men.

Style is what's there when you look at someone's writing and you know that they wrote it and nobody else did.

There is probably an innate masochism in a lot of women that ends up disappointed if men don't ill-treat them.

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