May we remain connected in love. We are one.

I do look at that thematic of healing of humanity.

I do believe there's life other than on our planet.

I liked 'Star Wars' as a kid. I liked science fiction.

Stereotypes do exist, but we have to walk through them.

I always stand up for what I believe and what I want to.

It is important to make the best out of every generation.

Good science fiction is always based in contemporary truths.

I try to be like a forest: revitalizing and constantly growing.

I always try to remain aware that what affects others affects me, too.

It's abhorrent to me that somebody is just evil, and you can't explain it.

If there is inequality, and that equates with colour, then I'm going to deal with it.

I can't say I follow it, but I've watched 'Downton Abbey' a couple of times and loved it.

College football, acting, opera singing - I approached them all in the same obsessive way.

I stay true, because whatever the project is, I'm still looking for inside of that character.

I'm always surprised when an actor goes so deeply into the truth that they shake you to your core.

In my career, I've had people talking about different things many times, but then not get nominated.

When I was a kid, the only way I saw movies was from the back seat of my family's car at the drive-in.

Ultimately, all human beings fulfill their patterns. We're set in a certain archetype, and we fulfill that destiny.

I care about people. In the end, I think they feel it. It comes across, regardless of the character I'm portraying.

I'm just looking for characters that continue to make me stretch and grow and learn more about the human condition.

I could never have gone to Africa another way and had the same experience. It was my job and my joy at the same time.

I went through two schools of acting but I learned more about acting from meditating and from my marshall arts teacher.

I go back and forth between indie and studio because I feel like it, not because I feel obligated to do one or the other.

I'm inspired to work with good actors, period. I want to work with the best anytime because I think they'll make me better.

We're supposed to be an example of freedom, and if we are doing things that are injustice to people, then what is our statement?

Directing is more comfortable for me because, as an actor, there's always something inherently false. Because I'm not that person.

I certainly don' think I could've played the character [Idi Amin] the same way without being in Uganda. I loved working in Uganda.

It's hard for me to judge my own films as an artist sometimes. But as an artist, I did feel a fulfillment working on them, you know?

It's a unique experience when you're doing an independent film where you have one person who puts up all the funds to make the film.

The characters I've portrayed may outwardly be quite different from one another, but I've found that they're also intrinsically linked.

We have to not just open our eyes to what's going on in other places; we need to open our eyes to what's going on right in front of us.

I was a curious child. I'd debate with anyone who came to the door - people from the Islamic community... Jehovah's Witnesses... anyone.

Cinema and the arts invite viewers to focus on a story and, in doing so, peel away its layers and peer into the depths of the human soul.

Poitier opened the doors to so many artists, not just black artists. There is a line that goes from black to Latin to Asian with regards to roles.

To try and act like we haven't had great progress is not true. Obama didn't fail - he changed the psyche of the nation and, in some ways, the world.

If I go to a reunion in east Texas, my mother's side or my father's, one out of ten is a preacher or a teacher. That's just the way it is in my family.

I can play a man who's despicable. But I'll still look inside him to find a point of connection. If I can find that kernel, audiences will relate to me.

I'm an actor. And I guess I've done so many movies I've achieved some high visibility. But a star? I guess I still think of myself as kind of a worker ant.

When children and youth are deprived of their right to education, their community is deprived of a sustainable future. It is all the more true with refugees.

The true wealth of a community is measured by how carefully it listens to its women and how sincerely it values their wisdom. Empowering women empowers us all.

There's a thing you confront when you're going into something new and you come to this sort of abyss, and then you push yourself. It makes you try different things.

And God, God who believes in us all. And who's given me this moment, in this lifetime, that I will hopefully carry to the end of my lifetime into the next lifetime.

I had been playing really interesting roles before I got great roles. Little ones - 'The Crying Game' I loved working on, and then 'Bird,' 'Ghost Dog,' so many films.

The key is that I'm trying to keep growing and trying to keep learning and deepen my connection in every way, in my life, in my work. That's what I do when I look at a role.

I see a deep connection between peace and change: peace always starts from within, for communities and people alike. The same is true of change: real change starts from within.

It rests in the hands of the common person as well as those with the power to shape humanity's course toward a world where every child, woman and man's most basic needs are met.

I try to be like a forest, revitalizing and constantly growing... Kids would tease me, calling me 'Little Bush.' But... I thought being called Forest helped me find my identity.

I was trying to capture this man's [Idi Amin] energy, and I did a lot of research in studying him. I tried to capture his 'Warrior King' energy inside of me as much as possible.

I've had many incidents in my life of racism. I've been thrown on the ground. I've been frisked. I've been arrested so many times I couldn't tell you. I have no need to talk about it.

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