Every girl is a goddess.

Love is a dangerous angel.

Welcome Beauty, banish fear.

Any love that is love is right.

You can't doubt so much, Psyche

Magic can be found in stolen moments.

love is the only thing we have to save us

Pain can give you sight or make you blind.

I stand here waiting. To disappear or sing.

No matter where I am, I am always loving you.

You have to make your own family, your own life.

Our stories can set us free. When we set them free.

You make me feel like I have wings when you touch me.

Everything was chocolate ice cream and kisses and wind.

Maybe her own tears were the poison that made her grow.

Maybe any love we ever have is an angel in whatever form.

Let's not be afraid of anything that can't really hurt us.

I'll be inside the one who holds you. And then I won't be.

At least the girls in stories were alive before they died.

It's important to tell your story. It's important to listen.

What happens to the rest of something when you smash its heart?

Metaphors are an interesting example of creating magic in prose.

Pain didn't ever really stop, he thought; it just changed forms.

The true warrior isn't immune to fear. She fights in spite of it.

I want to be untouchable and beautiful and completely dead inside.

Once upon a time . . . What time are we upon and where do I belong?

You are so intense. Like a storm. It's shocking how intense you are.

If you were a mermaid, you said, If you were a mermaid, I was the sea.

I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands.

What sexual preference do you hope she has?” “Happiness.” Isnt that cool?

You are in my blood. I cant help it. We can't be anywhere except together

He was so handsome,but he didn't look well.He reminded her of a cigarette.

We no longer believe in fairy tales. But we will learn to believe in monsters

Find the goddess inside yourself instead of looking for the god in someone else.

Sometimes a wild horse needs to feel that his rider is just a little bit wilder.

When you live in a city with no stars to wish on, you have to wish on each other.

Sometimes I wanted to peel away all of my skin and find a different me underneath.

If death is your lover, you don't got to be afraid ever that he will ever leave you

The most Beautiful people are the ones that don't look like one race or even one sex.

I dont know about happily ever after... but I know about happily, Weetzie Bat thought.

Besides, secretly, without knowing it herself, she had been waiting for a Beast to go to.

After his kisses and hugs it feels like without them my body will fall apart into pieces.

Think of your pain like a bunch of red roses, a beautiful thorn necklace. Everyone has one.

The girl in the mirror wasn't who I wanted to be and her life wasn't the one I wanted to have.

Weetzie wished she could shake blue glitter around all of them - keeping them sparkling and safe.

Morning. Strawberry sky dusted with white winter powder sugar sun. And nobody to munch on it with

Flowers are reincarnation. They come out of the earth of our ashes. Nothing else looks so soul-like.

But be careful; sand is already broken but glass breaks. The shoes are for dancing, not running away.

It seems impossible that you can love one person so much, no matter what happens, no matter what they do.

Tinys do not deserve safety. If they are to prove themselves, they must suffer and die or suffer and survive.

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