No cross no crown.

My mind's my kingdom.

Afflictions clarify the soul.

Toyish airs please trivial ears.

Wickedness is its own punishment.

Knowledge descries; wisdom applies.

The world's an Inn; and I her guest.

Heav'n is not always got by running.

It is the lot of man but once to die.

He that begins to live, begins to die.

Mercy turns her back to the unmerciful.

I see no virtue where I smell no sweat.

The road to perseverance lies by doubt.

Be wisely worldly, but not worldly wise.

He that hath no cross deserves no crown.

Too much is a vanity; enough is a feast.

The next way home's the farthest way about.

Wisdom not only gets, but once got, retains.

God's pleasure is at the end of our prayers.

Death aims with fouler spiteAt fairer marks.

The grave is sooner cloy'd than men's desire.

Let grace conduct thee to the paths of peace.

With a bloody flux of oaths vows deep revenge.

Heaven finds an ear when sinners find a tongue.

Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Let the fear of a danger be a spur to prevent it.

Heaven is never deaf but when man's heart is dumb.

And he repents in thorns that sleeps in beds of roses.

The place of charity, like that of God, is everywhere.

A lamb appears a lion, and we fear Each bush we see's a bear.

Charity is a naked child, giving honey to a bee without wings.

Whose gold is double with a careful hand, His cares are double.

Read not books alone, but men, and amongst them chiefly thyself.

The average person's ear weighs what you are, not what you were.

Blessedness is promised to the peacemaker, not to the conqueror.

Diogenes found more rest in his tub than Alexander on his throne.

If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue.

If thou be rich, strive to command thy money, lest it command thee.

The sufficiency of merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient.

The light of the understanding, humility kindleth and pride covereth.

Even such is man, whose glory lendsHis life a blaze or two, and ends.

Reason can discover things only near,--sees nothing that's above her.

I wish thee as much pleasure in the reading, as I had in the writing.

Nothing is more pleasing to God than an open hand, and a closed mouth.

Nor fire, nor rocks, can stop our furious minds, Nor waves, nor winds.

When two agree in their desire, One sparke will set them both on fire.

That friendship will not continue to the end which is begun for an end.

Borrow neither money nor time from your neighbor; both are of equal value.

No man is born unto himself alone; Who lives unto himself, he lives to none.

Humility enforces where neither virtue nor strength can prevail, nor reason.

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