I know the Haitian people because I am the Haitian people.

I know the Haitian people - because I am the Haitian people.

Revolutions are not made with literature. Revolutions equal gunfire.

As revolutionary, I have no right to disregard the voice of the people.

I am the Haitian flag. He who is my enemy is the enemy of the fatherland.

I accept the people's will. As a revolutionary, I have no right to disregard the will of the people.

The chief of the tribe is supposed to be the father of all people of the tribe. That is the Haitian way.

The people of Haiti have always called me Papa Doc. I was first their doctor. Now I am also their president for life.

God and the people are the source of all power. I have twice been given the power. I have taken it, and damn it, I will keep it forever.

Communism has established centres of infection... No area in the world is as vital to American security as the Caribbean...We need a massive injection of money to reset the country on its feet, and this injection can come only from our great, capable friend and neighbor the United States.

It is not a question of whether I believe in voodoo. I am a scholar and, as such, I have studied the concept of voodoo. I have created the faculty of Afro-Haitian ethnology in our university where the concept of voodoo is taught. Voodoo is not superstition. It is a philosophy, a conception of God.

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