Hope clouds observation.

the sleeper must awaken.

Fear is the mind-killer.

What does a mirror look at?

Law is the ultimate science.

I cry for those not yet dead.

Grief is the price of victory.

Humans are almost always lonely.

Emotions are the curse of logic.

Madness in method, that's genius

I am not the river I am the net.

Beaurocracy destroys initiative.

Each life creates endless ripples.

Caution is the path to mediocrity.

Money to a writer is time to write.

Death makes a prophet's voice louder.

Give me a lamp so I can find the day.

Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.

Guilt starts as a feeling of failure.

The dice cannot read their own spots.

Truth suffers from too much analysis.

There's a lesson in every temptation.

Something cannot emerge from nothing.

Silence is often the best thing to say.

Is evolution just another name for God?

The universe does not work by our rules

To determine if you're human. Be silent.

Who are the rabble and who are the ruled?

What you cannot control, you must accept.

I am not the kind of person I want to be.

Enemies strengthn you. Allies weaken you.

Journalism is the entertainment business.

Prophets have a way of dying by violence.

The successful writer listens to himself.

That path leads ever down into stagnation.

If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

A human being can stand any amount of pain.

Education is no substitute for intelligence.

The past is no farther away than your pillow.

Reason is the first victim of strong emotion.

Love is not a mood, but a dynamic way of being.

The night is a tunnel ... a hole into tomorrow.

What is the son but an extension of the father?

He who controls the spice controls the universe.

To stay awake all night adds a day to your life.

Men always fear things which move by themselves.

He who can destroy a thing, can control a thing.

War is the most readily available form of chaos.

We Bene Gesserit sift people to find the humans.

Balance is what distinguishs a people from a mob.

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