I never liked my own species.

I love parasites! I can't get enough of them.

I'm not into cartoons. That's the irony of it.

I didn't realize I was working in a family medium.

I've drawn some things that have fallen very flat.

Taking a solo on a tune is always a little bit scary.

Wait a minute! This is grass! We've been eating grass!

Hot oil! We need hot oil!... Forget the water balloons!

I actually find a lot of parallels in jazz and cartooning.

What is that mountain goat doing way up here in the clouds?

Man Swims in Shark Infested Waters, Forgets He's Shark Food.

It would be hard to get worse. I had only one direction to go.

You can get away with a lot as long as it has a silly edge to it.

You should always leave the party 10 minutes before you actually do.

I've always considered music stores to be the graveyards of musicians.

I think I'm maintaining the quality, but internally I'm paying for it.

If I didn't understand a cartoon in a newspaper, I'd just turn the page.

Great moments in science: Einstein discovers that time is actually money.

Things can be low on the food chain, but that doesn't mean they're lowly.

This was more than just a cow - this was an entire career I was looking at.

I get a couple cups of coffee into me and weird things just start to happen.

I don't think I'd know if I were sitting next to Charles Schulz on an airplane.

On Career Day in high school, you don't walk around looking for the cartoon guy.

It is a known fact that the sheep that give us steel wool have no natural enemies.

Morbid humor is very valid, even healthy, as long as you don't do it gratuitously.

I never sat down and said, you know, what the world needs is a good, sick cartoonist.

By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect 'Hungry'.

Cartooning was a good fit for me. And yet now, years later, I almost never think about it.

Thunderstick?... You actually said, 'Thunderstick?'... That, my friend is a Winchester 30.06.

I never liked my own species. On why so many of his comics are about animals, in an interview.

The Bluebird of Happiness long absent from his life, Ned is visited by the Chicken of Depression.

I didn't feel that my identity was caught up in being a cartoonist, and that if it stopped I'd stop.

If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, and it hits a mime, does anyone care?

The great thing about this jungle of ours is that anyone of you could grow up to be Lord of the apes.

Of course, living in an all-glass house has its disadvantages...but you should see the birds smack it.

Don Martin was the one who really stood out. I really always loved his work. He was such a great artist.

The fuel light's on, Frank! We're all going to die! Wait, wait... Oh, my mistake - that's the intercom light.

I was so intrigued by insects and things that crawled or flew - I could spend hours by myself in a vacant lot.

Sometimes I'm convinced that one day I'm going to draw the cartoon that offends everyone, and that'll be the end.

I don't believe in the concept of hell, but if I did I would think of it as filled with people who were cruel to animals.

I've always thought the word cow was funny. And cows are sort of tragic figures. Cows blur the line between tragedy and humor.

The message is not so much that the worms will inherit the Earth, but that all things play a role in nature, even the lowly worm.

My first month in syndication, I made about $100. I thought it would be exciting if I ever got up to the level where I could pay my rent.

Every week when my batch of weekly cartoons would go to FedEx, it felt like a small miracle. Then in a few days, it's 'Here we go again.'

The idea for any cartoon (my experience, anyway) is rarely spontaneous. Good ideas usually evolve out of pretty lame ones, and vice versa.

I remember one time watching a bird snatch a dragonfly out of midair and thinking, 'Gee, life can come to an end - crunch! - just like that.'

I think one thing that's important to maintain is a sense of fear, always doubting yourself... a good dose of insecurity helps your work in some ways.

He has been known by many names: Lucifer, Beelzabub, Belial, the Prince of Lies, Satan, and at a party once an obnoxious drunk kept calling him "Dude."

A lot of people think I'm going to be like someone who's stepped out of one of his own cartoons. And maybe I am. But I sure have a hard time analyzing it.

I keep thinking someone's gonna show up and say, 'There's been a big mistake. The guy next door is supposed to be drawing the cartoon. Here's your shovel.'

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