I'm really white trash.

I'm the flavor of the month.

I've always been an optimist.

It's fun to slap people around.

You can't legislate good taste.

The only failure is not to try.

Let's face it: Bush is just dim.

America can't beat anyone anymore.

We're picking on people we can beat.

Yes, I slouch. My mother tells me that.

I want to be the George Clooney of music.

The directors are always sharp. It's true.

People know everything about everybody now.

Im like my mother, I stereotype. Its faster.

There's no connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq.

Without question, I wake every night five times.

Republicans are good at standing by their candidate.

Growing old on screen is not for the faint of heart.

Directing is much more satisfying to me than acting.

I'm not quite sure what the santicity of marriage is.

It's not ideal to have three films coming out at once.

You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk.

The best lesson my mom taught me was how to be scrappy.

Life’s better with company. Everybody needs a co-pilot.

I go on YouTube when somebody says to look something up.

Failures are infinitely more instructive than successes.

Having 'Oscar winner' on your tombstone is a great thing.

I'm a liberal. I'm confused when that became a bad word...

I resolve not to drink liquids before donning the Bat-suit.

The secret of directing is working with really good people.

I don't mind what they say as long as they're not being mean.

Oceans is about glamour. I can't go looking like a slob can I?

Bush, Sharon, Blair and Rice are names that history will damn.

I know love at first sight can work. It happened to my parents.

The rehearsal process in general is about trusting one another.

I'm certainly the last person to give advice on, well, anything.

I rarely tell anybody what they should be doing with their life.

Love trumps hate. Courage loves fear. Right always trumps wrong.

It is not lost on me that I'm spending my honeymoon at Comic Con.

I don't believe in happy endings but I believe in happy journeys.

Shutting down the government is not how you make government work.

I'm not smart enough and I don't know enough about what's going on.

Anyone would be lying if they said they didn't get lonely at times.

Getting older is not something that you're not much concerned with.

You get better as an actor over time if you're growing. Like singers.

I find that as you get older, you start to simplify things in general.

One of my favorite films is 'Big Fish,' which I think is a masterpiece.

I'm not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing.

If you want to protect yourself as an actor, always work with good people

If you’re in the room, you've grabbed the brass ring. You are all winners.

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