I invested all my money in debt.

I did try to go to college and try to be an English major.

I'm a pretty cliché actor in that I hate watching myself on film.

When you're making a pilot, what you're mostly thinking is, 'Please let this be a real job, please.'

I think I'm a pretty cliché actor in that I hate watching myself on film. I don't know why it should be humbling to see yourself on film.

It was an outdoor Shakespeare theater that I grew up at. That feels like home, and the place I'm always trying to figure out how to get to.

You want to throw yourself in as many uncomfortable places as possible, if you want to build muscles in uncomfortable parts of your body and grow as an artist.

In my ideal world there would be 99% unemployment for actors, and I would be the 1% that's employed. I hear about somebody getting a job at Starbucks and I get jealous.

I've never seen anyone handling pans in the streets of New York, and if I did I doubt I'd give them money, unless I needed a pan. I do give money to homeless people, whether they ask or no.

I bought a house right before the housing crisis happened. So I paid too much and then I was stuck with it for a long time. So that was sad for me. I was like, "I'd better make a movie about this to get it out of my system."

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