Make your plate colorful. A lot of Asian countries make it a point of having five colors present on every dish, which leads to eating nutrient-rich foods.

I used to love eating canned fruit. Once I learned how to read a food label, I learned that canned fruit is arguably the least healthy form of fruit consumption.

Some antiquated diet books will tell you to shun all fats if you want to lose weight, but in reality, it's not healthy to eliminate fat from our diets altogether.

I used to laugh at my friends who garden, but I now garden. You don't even feel like you're exercising. You're having fun, and you're being healthy at the same time.

Fitness isn't about being extreme and hard-core. Healthy eating is not about counting calories, weighing food, or finding less tasteful ingredients. Life is about balance.

A lot of the movements we do in the gym are things that can be done outside, but we have the benefits of the beautiful scenery, the fresh air, the sunlight, and the vitamin B.

If you're ready to give yourself a little challenge, take a walk and mix in short bouts of jogging. It can boost your calorie burn and give you much needed cardiovascular benefits.

The key to finding protein for your snacks when you're on the go is making sure said snacks don't need to be refrigerated, don't need to be cooked, and are in convenient packaging.

Your levels of cholesterol are primarily dependent on your own body's production rather than the result of eating animal fats. Moreover, some forms of cholesterol are heart healthy.

You don't need equipment of any kind to get a good workout in. In fact, you can get a good workout in the smallest of spaces, from a dorm room, to a studio apartment to a hotel room.

I grew up in a typical Ashkenazi household. My bubbe actually lived with us. She'd make us the traditional colorless, beige, heavy foods: chicken soup, kreplach, gefilte fish, tzimmes.

Smart snacking is an invaluable weapon against cravings and poor food choices. For me, this translates to three meals and two snacks a day, each containing protein, fiber, and healthy fat.

A cardio workout increases blood flow and acts as a filter system. It brings nutrients like oxygen, protein, and iron to the muscles that you've been training and helps them recover faster.

There is no such thing as a cleanse. Cleanses tell you that you need to get rid of that piece of gum you swallowed in fifth grade that is still stuck to your intestinal lining. That's not true.

There is a world of difference between foods fortified with synthetic vitamins and minerals, and eating vegetables, fruit, and other whole foods full of vitamins and minerals in their natural form.

One thing is to not look at fitness as something that you do at a prescribed time of day in a prescribed room and a prescribed building. You should incorporate physical activity throughout your day.

People always ask me if there was one thing they could do today to change the way they look and feel, what would it be. The answer is simple: Walk. To be exact, I want you to walk 10,000 steps a day.

I spent almost 11 years at university. I have three degrees. I was a nutritional scientist for the Department of National Defense, and then I spent the next 20 years studying it and writing about it.

A lot of the weaknesses we have are based on a lack of lateral movement, which can set you up for injury. When you exercise in multiple planes, you see improvements in balance, mobility, and function.

All the healthiest countries don't eat a lot of tropical fruits. They stay away from pineapples, mangos, papayas, and melons and focus on fruits that have edible skin, edible seeds, or are citrus fruits.

While many processed foods are full of salt, and excessive salt intake is associated with hypertension and other conditions, salt is essential to health. It can be dangerous to have too low a sodium intake.

Creating an overall healthy lifestyle for yourself doesn't require a radical diet or significant life change. In fact, it can be attained through common sense decisions about the way we eat, move, and live.

The idea behind resistance training is that you're basically tearing something and creating a microtrauma in the muscle. When the muscle recovers, it's going to recover stronger and denser than it was before.

Megan Fox finally listened to me... she is now a salmon fan. She will have salmon at least once a day. She'll go have a bunch of salmon sashimi, and she'll have a cucumber salad and miso soup and some edamame.

While cardio prompts your body to burn calories while you are exercising, resistance training not only sculpts, tones, and strengthens your body, but it causes your body to burn more calories when you are at rest.

The Swedes prepare their food through curing, smoking, pickling and boiling. Pickling food contains digestive-system-friendly probiotics, and while boiling may not be the tastiest, it's effective without adding fat!

Seriously, I faced a lot of anti-Semitism playing hockey as a kid. It motivated me to play well and to punch everyone who was anti-Semitic. I was taunted and called names. I'd either beat them with a goal or with my fists.

All fats do not behave the same way in your body, and certain fats, including the omega-3 fats in salmon and other fatty fish and the monounsaturated fats in nuts, virgin olive oil, and avocados, are integral to a healthy diet.

Pick one exercise a day, a different exercise each day of the week for a different body part. You're setting yourself up for success because you don't need to go to the gym, you don't need any equipment, you don't need anything.

Dietary fiber provides a whole slew of health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. It not only promotes 'regularity,' it also reduces your risk of several chronic diseases and plays a crucial role in successful weight loss.

When I was a little kid, I was chunky. My mother would always joke she would have to get me husky jeans for larger kids. My wife reminds me sometimes, if I overdo it with chocolate chip cookies, that I will have to wear husky pants again.

The blue light emanating from our cell phones, our tablets and our laptops is playing havoc on our brain chemicals: our serotonin, our melatonin. It's screwing up our sleep patterns, our happiness, our appetites, our carbohydrate cravings.

One piece of white bread has the same calories as three egg whites scrambled with peppers and onion. Which option do you think is better for you? If all calories were created equal, these two options would have to be nutritionally equivalent.

Life is all about balance, and there are certain times of the year - birthday, anniversary, holidays - that are meant to be enjoyed without guilt. That being said, Thanksgiving is a meal - it's not a Thanksgiving day, and it's not a Thanksgiving week.

Do something active that's fun. On tour with Kanye and Common, we would have basketball games on a court in every city we went to. With Alicia Keys, we would mountain-bike across Vancouver Island. With Lady Gaga, we would explore all the cool neighborhoods.

Don't let yourself get stuck without a healthy snack option. If you allow yourself to get famished at work, you're going to be more likely to get your snack from the vending machine, and when was the last time you saw something fresh and healthy in one of those?

Our bodies have a finely tuned, built-in detoxifying system: It's called our liver, and it can detoxify our bodies better than any cleanse or fast without the unpleasantness and danger of muscle cramps, dehydration, and diarrhea associated with artificial cleanses.

We focus way too much on the front of our midsection, which, in the process, over-strengthens and draws the torso forward so you end up with shorter-looking abs. Focus on lengthening by working your lower back instead. This will give your midsection a full overhaul.

When you look at the fittest, leanest populations like Japan and Scandinavia, they don't even go to the gym. The average person in Sydney takes 11,000 steps a day, and the average person in Houston does 4000. Guess who is going to be leaner, regardless of their diet?

There are 168 hours in a week, and even if you're working out two, three, four, or five times a week for an hour, you're still not working out at least 95 to 98 percent of the week. So it's what you do during that time that's far more impactful than what you do in the gym.

There is almost a 60-year age difference between Miley Cyrus and Jane Fonda, and one day I trained them both. I would say I trained Jane in her 70s even harder than I did Miley, who's a teenager. I think, as you become older, it's not about working harder: it's about working smarter.

You want to try to keep your sleep and meal patterns attached to the time zone that you're in. It's important so you don't feel disoriented. If we take a red-eye and land in Singapore at 8 A.M., we're not going to bed. Force yourself to stay awake, have breakfast, power through the day.

Through my work as a nutritionist and trainer to celebrity clients, I've had amazing opportunities to travel the world. In my experience, I made what seemed to be a remarkable discovery: the farther I travel from the U.S., the easier it is to find foods that are both nourishing and slimming.

To ensure maximal fiber intake and to identify true whole-grain products, do the 'flip-and-check.' Flip to the nutrition facts label and list of ingredients on the back, and check that the product has at least three grams of fiber per serving and that whole grains is first on the ingredients list.

If you want great legs, you need to train them all around, not just the front of the thighs. Use multiple joints whenever possible. And running stairs is one of the best things you can possibly do. It has little to no impact on your joints, and you're working your glutes, hamstrings, and quads all at the same time.

Different foods have different effects on our body beyond their calorie count. Our metabolism, hunger, blood sugar, and hormones respond differently to different types of foods. That means that 100 calories of broccoli is not the same as 100 calories of licorice, just as 3 oz. of salmon is not the same as 3 oz. of cupcakes.

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