I'm a big sweet potato fan.

You cannot out-exercise a bad diet.

'Airplane' was my favorite movie growing up.

A lack of electrolytes can make muscles sore.

I got into bodybuilding very young - I was 13.

Ignore the scale, and make the process your goal.

I've been a big fan of cottage cheese my whole life.

I see myself as a problem solver, creating solutions.

I think the U.S. has ultrasensitivity about weight loss.

I tell all my clients to drink at least six water bottles a day.

I've never seen or heard of a healthy sausage or bacon of any kind.

A meal is a when you eat something that incorporates multiple food groups.

I love the convenience of a protein shake, and not just for after a workout.

Life is too short. If we're in Italy, have pizza and pasta. But not every day.

Both cardio and resistance training are essential for looking and feeling great.

Ladies, don't be afraid of getting big, bulky arm muscles from resistance exercise.

If you really want to thrive, I would say you need a minimum of 12,000 steps a day.

In addition to protein, edamame is a great source of fiber and mono-unsaturated fats.

If you don't own traditional dumbbells, you can also use soup cans or bottles of water.

Most people make the mistake of over-training the biceps and under-training the triceps.

Lentils, beans, and other legumes, such as chickpeas, are all excellent sources of fiber.

There is no such thing as a healthy cleanse. It's the worst thing you can do for your body.

I've designed exercise video games, running shoes, healthy beverages, and workout equipment.

It's important that we have a global perspective and look abroad and learn from our neighbors.

Eating breakfast revs our metabolic engines so that they're ready for prime calorie burn all day.

Strengthening the lower back helps develop that sexy curve everyone wants from your back to your bum.

To benefit your metabolism, your appetite, and your waistline, snacks need to have protein and fiber.

I'm not a vegan - especially when it comes to protein quality. I stick with the traditional proteins.

When the biceps become too strong, it brings the shoulders forward and makes for a gorilla-like posture.

Some people might sleep eight hours and wake up exhausted because they're not getting good quality sleep.

Dark bread like rye or pumpernickel is much healthier than the refined white bread favored by many Americans.

Though typically paired with words like 'organic,' 'harvest,' or 'natural,' almost all granolas are fattening.

A toned backside truly anchors your physique and can make the difference between jeans fitting and jeans really fitting.

Kanye has been a good friend for ten years. He flew back from London to Los Angeles for 24 hours just to go to my wedding.

The United States is far too efficient. We've lost the ceremony of eating. People don't eat at home and cook meals at home.

Get yourself a pedometer. It's an inexpensive device that fits in your pocket or clips on your pants and counts your steps.

Just remember the letter 'S': salads, stir fries, scrambles, soups, smoothies and sushi. You can't go wrong with the letter 'S.'

Only 1 to 2 percent of adults have a real food allergy. This gluten thing is a... whatever. It's not an allergy for most people.

Everybody is constantly struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle and the ideal body, regardless of whether they're overweight.

Couscous is not a grain. I repeat, it is not a grain. Much like its brother spaghetti and its sister ravioli, couscous is pasta.

I grew up in a household where both my brothers had Type 1 Diabetes, so I was raised eating healthy food with healthy ingredients.

The joke may be that no one likes fruitcake, but if that were the case, they wouldn't appear on store shelves every holiday season!

For the average person at home, they should know they don't need a celebrity trainer. It's all about your habits outside of the gym.

In America, we eat until we're full, which means we usually go past the point of satiety because satiety actually follows digestion.

Cardio-based exercise involves moving at a moderate intensity, using many muscle groups at once. Think: walking, jogging, cycling, etc.

If you wait too long between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner, you're more likely to be ravenous and overeat and/or make poor food choices.

Celebrities might be experts when it comes to working the red carpet, but relying on them to guide your health and wellness can be a slippery slope.

I hate greens. I hate vegetables, but greens - especially in a smoothie - are a great way for a big kid like me to hide my vegetables into the meal.

While most vegetables are good sources of fiber, greens - especially the dark, leafy variety - are jam-packed with fiber and a ton of micronutrients.

I review all the riders for my music clients and make sure there's healthy food and snack options, like strained yogurt, fresh berries, and lean protein.

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